"LOUIS!" I screamed. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He caught me around the waist and pulled me close to him for a hug, then kissed my head. Then he set me down.

"Lacy, why are you running out in the middle of the street with barely anything on!" he said. 

I rolled my eyes. "Lou it's just pajamas for God's sake!" Right then I saw Harry come out of the car. "Harry!" I said running over to him and giving him a hug.

"Hey Lace," he smiled.

I let go and turned to Louis. 

"So where's the rest of the them?" I asked.

"Well since we just got back yesterday, they all stayed back in London, to rest," Louis said.

"Oh I see," I nodded.  We all went back into the house. 

"I'M HOME!" Louis shouted, as I closed the door behind us. I heard feet pounding down the stairs, and soon Charlotte, Felicite, Phoebe, Daisy, and mum were all crowded around Louis and Harry saying hello. I giggled and went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Soon, everybody else was sitting too, and we were all talking.

"Oh, mom, tonight I'm going to a party with Lizzy, is that alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, just be back by one," she said. 

Ugh... "Okay," I said. 

After awhile I went upstairs to change into my dress and get fixed up. I did my hair and put on a little makeup, then came back down. The dress was strapless and came about mid-thigh. Which explains why Louis looked a bit diapproving when I came down, but he didn't say anything. 

~8:00 PM~

I went back into my room to get changed into my club outfit. The day had gone pretty well, we all went out for lunch and then went to the mall. Louis bought my sisters and I new clothes, even though I insisted I could pay.

Now they were all downstairs, watching TV. I pulled on my black, fitted, crossback dress. It came a bit above my mid-thigh. I picked out a pair of 5-inch black pumps and a small red clutch. After touching up my makeup and hair, I got a text from Chris saying he was waiting outside. I grabbed my bag and hurried down the stairs. Bad idea when your wearing 5-inch heels. I tripped on the third step to the bottom, but luckily Harry was there and caught me. 

"Thanks," I said, giggling. 

"No problem...you look really nice," he said. 

"What the hell are you wearing?!" Louis said, coming in. He was followed by mum. 

"Clothes!" I answered. "Now excuse me, but Lizzy's waiting for me." I turned towards the door.

"Oh, can I come talk to her for a second? I have something  to ask her-," my mum started.

"No, mum, sorry. Gotta go bye!" I said. I rushed out the door towards Chris' car. I opened the door and jumped in. "Go, go, go!" I told him. He listened, and zoomed down the street. Once we were a safe distance, turned to him. "Hey babe," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey," he said. "Oh Lace, I want you to meet my friends." 

I turned and looked in the back seat to see two girls and a guy. "Guys this is Lacy, my girlfriend," he said. They all said hi and introduced themselves as Katie, Emily, and Rob.

About 20 or so minutes later we were at the club. Chris gave me a fake ID and I showed it to the security. Luckily, they bought it, and let us all in. The music in the place was booming and it was filled with people. Chris took my hand and led me over to the bar. He ordered me a drink and I sipped at it.

~Back at home~

Louis' POV:

I looked at the clock. 1:07 AM. Still no sign of Lacy. The girls had gone up to bed, and now it was just me, mum, and Harry. I decided to speak up.

"Mum, don't you think it's a little strange that Lacy wouldn't let you come to the car, then practically sprinted out the door?" I asked.

"Yes, I've been thinking about it the whole time....I think I'm going to call Lizzy and see if she really went.." she said. She went into the kitchen to go call her.

Harry and I sat in silence, waiting for mum to come back. After a couple minutes she walked back into the room, looking upset.

"There was never any party.." she said.

"What?!" I yelled, standing up. "Then where the hell is she?" I paused. "Probably with that horrible Chris guy! That's it, I'm going to go find her," I said.

"How? We don't know where she is!" mum said.

"We don't....but I bet you Lottie does.." I said. I turned and ran up the stairs an down the hallway to Lottie and Lacy's room. Lottie was sitting on her bed, using her laptop.

"Hey Lou.." she said.

"Hey, Lottie, I have something to ask you. This is really important and I need you to tell the truth," I said.

"Okay..." she muttered, confused.

"Where's Lacy?" I asked. 

"At the party...isn't she?" she answered.

"Lott, please, just tell me the truth," I said.

She hesistated. "Okay, fine....she went to a club."

"With who?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Chris..." she mumbled. 

I sighed. "Thanks Lott," I said, then I rushed out of the room and down the stairs. I grabbed my car keys and opened the front door.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"To get Lacy," I said.

Harry stood up, "I'm coming too."

I gave him a nod and he followed me out the door. We both got in the car. I started it and drove down the street.

"Where is she?" Harry asked.

"At a club," I answered.

"How do you know which one she's at?" he asked.

"There is only one around here," I said.

I drove for a little while before stopping in front of the place. We both got out, not bothering to wear sunglasses or hoodies. I doubt anyone here would make a big fuss out of us.

We showed the man our IDs and we were let inside. I immediately started searching the place for her. Then I spotted her by the bar. Chris had his arms around her. If you could call it that....his hands were on her butt. I filled with rage and stormed over.

As I got closer I could hear what he was saying. "Come on babe, you should drink a little more, have fun," he said. Trying to get her drunk...bastard. 

I stopped in front of him and shoved him away from her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shouted.


Well there it is! I hope you liked! Please comment/vote/fan/tell others!

Thanks :)x

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