Chapter 31

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REMINDER: This chapter will be all in Jeff's POV know... Well Enjoy the last chapter!


Why couldn't this have been me? I screamed in the mind. I hit stabbed the ground and let the tears roll down my face with everyone starring at me.

"Jeff? You have to let us take her." Alix said as he walked up from the forest, with Scott following behind him with a worried face on.

"What happened? What happened to Jay?" Scott asked, with a worried tone to match his face.

I looked at him with the tears rolling down my face and he walked over and stopped dead in his tracks. "No," Was all he said before he took off into the woods. 

"Can you just... give me like a minute...?" I muttered. Alix nodded and walked into the bunker with the others following him.

"Jay, This shouldn't have happened to you... You didn't deserve any of it." I sobbed. "But, I should stop crying cause you wouldn't want me to be crying, you would want me to go on with my life. I will do that Jay, but I will never forget you, and I will never fall in love with any Human or Creepypasta or Halfie or anything again. I love you Jay, I will forever." As I finished, I got up and walked over to the demon who had killed the girl I love.

"And to you, I hope you burn in the firey pits of hell." I said and kicked the demon over.

"Okay! I'm ready!" I yelled into the bunker. They all walked out and Alix was on his phone.

"Just bring the car, okay?" He said and shut off his phone. He looked at me and said, "We're bringing a car around to get... her."

I nodded and picked up her limp body. We waited a few minutes until it came and I sat down in the car with he laying on my lap. "Okay, lets go."

2 Months Later

I walked into the woods to where Jay is buried. Today was the day she had died, 2 months ago. I carried a blue flower and her favorite shirt. As I walked towards I saw something fall out of the shirt. It was a piece of paper. I picked it up and looked at it. I opened the fold and saw that it was a note, to me.

I continued to her grave and once I got there I sat the flower and her shirt on the ground in front of her.

"Hey Jay, I miss you, w-we all miss you." I said with a tear streaming down my face.

I sat down and looked at the note.

It read: Dear Jeff,

I know if you get this that something bad has happened to me. I knew that being with you meant that something bad would happen to me. I just want to know that my mom will be okay without me around.

Now to you, I want you to try to move on, I'm not saying to go fall in love with the next girl you meet. I'm saying don't cry at the thought of me. Jeff, I love you more than anything else in this world, and I know you do too, and I bet you will never fall in love again, but please for me, try to move on. Just don't forget me.

I love you Jeff, and in your mind, you're probably saying the same. Tell everyone else that I will miss them. Just don't show them this note. This is for you, and only you. I'll see you soon, Jeff my Killer.

Love, Jay.

I read it over and over, and thought about it. I set the note on the ground and decided to leave it there. I walked back to the house and thought of one thing. She had said it before to me and I loved how she said it. I wish I could hear it again from her. Jeff my Killer.


Thats it! Its all over! Thank you everyone who took out time in their life just to read my story! I love you guys so much! Thank you for leaving votes on my story and thank you for following me! I hope some of you guys read my other stories some time. 


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-Pinky =3

Jeff My Killer- Creepypasta Stories Book 1 *Jeff The Killer*Where stories live. Discover now