Fighters Fight

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"Where are you going?"

"More gunpowder for your minefield..sir." Jasper says saluting him. Miles starts moaning on the table and I walk over to him, looking at the arrows that had punctured through his leg and chest. I hadn't even noticed until now that there were two.

"What are we gonna do with him?" I ask Bellamy turning around next to Miles's pained body.

"There's nothing we can do until Clarke gets back...if she gets back." He says looking down at the ground. I walk over to him. He looked frustrated and an emotion I rarely saw on him, sadness.

"There's always going to be hard decisions you're going to have to make as a leader, you've actually made a lot already. I don't think this was a good one, I mean those are our people, we should go after them." I say but pause when I see his eyes flicker anger in them..crap. I come up with more words to make up for the previous ones.

"Then again, you know these teens are all looking to you for direction. Whatever you say goes, even if that direction isn't necessarily the best to follow." I tell him giving him the best advice my inexperienced self could come up with.

"Is this suppose to be helping because I'm not exactly feeling it." His confused complexion just seemed to get even more intensified.

"There's always going to be opposing sides, even while we were on the ark with Jaha, some people approved of him and others didn't. The thing is though, you just can't give in to the people's desires or rants because there's always going to be turmoil between them."

"So you want me to screw and ignore everyone is that it?" Bell asks giving me his furrowed eyebrow look.

"You know what I'm just gonna leave these kinda talks to someone who knows what they are actually talking about." I tell him patting him on the shoulder while he nodded in agreement .

Leaving to go upstairs to get gunpowder with Jasper, I remember something my mother once said.

"Fighter's fight, your camp's loyalty lies with you, they will be there to back you up one hundred percent, no matter what."

He stares at me with the slightest hint of a smile and total blankness on his face. Good I left him speechless.

After assisting Jasper with getting more gun powder he walks down the ladder but I stay up there for a little bit more. I felt extremely tired and my eyes just weren't cooperating with my body.

"Be down in a minute." I wearily tell Jasper as I wait for him to climb down and then I plop onto the floor and fall asleep.


I shoot up to the sound of rapidly fired gunshots. I quietly get up and start climbing down the ladder only to see Murphy shooting at the floorboards. My eyes drift over to a moving object in the corner to see Bellamy hanging from the ceiling with a seatbelt tied around his neck, struggling to break free. Murphy turns his head and when he notices, he kicks the stool that was holding Bell's body up. All of a sudden it's deja vu, but instead of Murphy its Bellamy.

I hold back my scream and quickly climb down the ladder. I grab a chair in a corner and approaching Murphy I catch Bellamy's eyes widen at the sight of me. Then I see why and Murphy shoves his gun into my stomach and I fall to the ground in agony.

Giving Murphy the dirtiest look, I get up and slam the chair against his body. He just approaches me looking even angrier.

"Looks like someone wants to see their friend suffer." Murphy grabs me by the arm and swings me around in front of him, barring my neck with his arm.

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