Chapter Nineteen

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Skip to Nicole's eighth birthday

Calvin's Point Of View

Calvin held the drawing several feet in front of him as he examined it. He turned in every direction imaginable, he looked at it from different perspectives, and he still couldn't decide if he liked it. "Mom!" Calvin called.

Cleo walked into the room and pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. "Yes, dear?" she asked softly.

Calvin sighed and handed the drawing to his mother. "What do you think of that?" he asked.

"What is it of?" Cleo asked.

He groaned and took the picture from her. "Answers that question," he muttered as he placed his hands on either side of the paper. Just as he was preparing to rip the drawing in half, Deuce came into the room and placed his hands on top of Calvin's. "What?" Calvin asked.

"What're you doing, kiddo?" Deuce asked.

"I was going to start over on this drawing," Calvin said.

"Why? It looks great, Calvin," Deuce said.

"You think so? Tell me what it's of, then," Calvin said. Deuce pulled the drawing from Calvin's grip and looked at it. "See? Y don't know what it is either," Calvin said.

"I know exactly what it is," Deuce said. "

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