Chapter 1

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*** I moved the Azkaban mass breakout to a few days after the welcmloming feast.***


Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the great Hall for dinner, just that morning the news of the Azkaban escape caused Harry to be furious, Death eaters deserved to stay in Azkaban and the ministry had no right to pin the blame on Sirius!

Dumbledore taped his wand against his goblet, presumably with a sonourus charms due to the volume. "Hello everyone, my apologies for delaying the meal, but we will be admitting a transfer student today." The hall broke out into hushed whispers.
"There hasn't been a transfer student since Edward Clement 1876! I wonder if we met them last year?" Hermione informed in a hushed whisper.

A boy looking the same age as them, or perhaps a year older walked down the aisle to stand infront of the head table. He had long black hair that fell in silky tresses to his heels, the strangest thing was that his hair was tightly platted signifying that his hair was significantly longer loose.
"What's up with his hair? He looks like a girl." Ron muttered, it was true through. The boy had a very effimate appearence.
"He looks like a pureblood. Do you reckon he's a mini Death Eater?" Ron said inturpting Hermione who was about to lecture the boys on hair growth.
"As I was about to say before I was rudely intrrputed, Ronald... Among purebloods long hair is a symbol of status, most pureblood family law require the lord go have their hair at least to their shoulders, perhaps his family has a stricter law."
"But he's a kid!" Ron exclaimed.
"He's wearing a lordship ring on his left middle finger. The Heirship ring goes on the middle of the right hand, that's what the ring Malfoy is wearing is."
"You found all that last night?" Harry asked surprised since he inquired about the ring yesterday morning, suspicious of any artifact that. Mally brought into the school.

The three were drawn out of their conversation as Umbridge hemmed to get the students attention.
"Why was I not informed of this Albus?" She asked rudely.
The boy was surprisingly the one who answered. "The ministry high inquisiter I assume?"
"Why yes, may I inquire what pureblood family your from?" She asked not able up see the lordship ring from her vantage point.
He ignored her question and instead continued.
"Well in that case: Hogwarts rules book 6, chapter 4, section, 57, paragraph 23, clearly states that enrolment of students is a power of the headmaster and any otheowerssidto interfere minister this process." The whole hall was shocked into silence before bursting into conversations, even the Slytherin's were exchanging gossip. Umbridge's lips twitched along with her eyebrow and attempted to silence the hall.
Dumbledore raised his hand and the student quieted, making Umbridge looked very offronted at this, but continued none the less.
"How could a transfer student like you possible know such detailed information. You should not tell lies young man." The boy just looked at her with an amused expression before continuing, his voice slow as if explaining to a child.
"Madam Umbridge... I don't recognise that name, are your family foreigners?" He enquired a smirk on his face. She spluttered for a moment before blanking her expression and replying.
"I'm a desendent of the Selwyn family, but it is not your place to question a teacher's blood status."
"My sincerest apologies, I'm from overseas, I assumed that it was polite to do so due to your earlier inqury." Surprisingly it was the Slytherin table that burst into laughter, the Gryffindor's were very confused, some Ravenclaw's laughed, while others looked like they are planning to go to the library to study why that was amusing and the Hufflepuff's were frowning at the boy insulting a teacher. Umbridge was spluttering once again her mouth opening and closing like a gold fish, her face reddening, to match her clothing.
"It appears the physical ettiquete is different here as well." He said a look of consideration on his face. Dumbledore interrupted the parley before it could get much more out of hand.
"We shall start the sorting now please sit." He gestured for the stool that appeared holding the Sorting Hat that was asleep.
The boy sat on the stool placing that hat on his own head after casting some cleaning charms on it making the ratty old hat, much better looking. To everyone, even the teacher's shock the hat was actually a dark red in colour, it only appeared brown due to the dirt.

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