Chapter 5 - Time flies

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

* 3rd person's P.O.V

You were heading to your next class when suddenly you bump into someone. You heard a loud crack noise. You bend down to pick up a broken clock on the ground. A voice said " Are you alright Miss.L/N?." You look up to see a tall blue man in a black suit. You gave him the clock and said " I'm fine. Sorry about your clock." He took a long at the clock and said " That's Okay. I can fix it." The bell rings, You said " Oh my gosh! I'm late." and then, you ran pass him. When you made it to class, You were very happy that teacher wasn't here to get you in trouble. You went to sit in the front of room. You look around the room to see if the spot was good. You notice that the trio boys were here as well. Good thing they were in the back of the room. The teacher came in and said "Good morning Students."

* Y/N's P.O.V

The teacher went to his desk. My eyes widen, It was the same guy that I bump into a while ago. He said " My name is Tony. Today we will talk about time." He grab a chalk and he wrote on the board " Time flies when you're having fun." Later, Everyone in class was doing some classwork. I was the only one that was having trouble answering some questions. Question one: When was time created?. I was scratching my head while reading the question one more. The teacher was walking around the room checking how everyone was doing. Five minutes later, I felt someone breathing on my shoulder. I slowly turn my head to see the teacher looking over my shoulder to check on my work. He notice me looking at him and he blush " Oh sorry miss I was just check on you." I was blushing along with him. He walk away and he sat down on his desk still blushing.

* 3rd person's P.O.V

Meanwhile with the trio, Manny was staring at the teacher looking a bit Jealous. Harry and Robin was quietly giggling at him. The bell rings, Everyone grabs their stuff and left the door. You were about to leave the door when the teacher said " Miss.L/N. Could you just come over to my desk?." You gulp and then, turn around to walk towards the teacher. He said " Next time be more careful around my clocks." You sigh " Yes sir." You walk towards the door but the teacher went up to you and he slams the door. You back away from him, he said " You didn't let me finish. I was gonna say sorry about earlier ." You remember him watching over your shoulders and then, you smile "That okay Tony." He opens the door and you walk out with a blank face. 

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