5: Armoured in Black

Start from the beginning

I looked at him and spoke in low whispers so that only he could hear my words, "Reconsider your actions." I instructed.

"You should've thought of the consequences before your lovely little outburst yesterday." He sarcastically replied.

"So this is your reaction? Make everyone, especially your family, regret ever allowing you to become the heir to the throne?" I mockingly replied. He became stiff as he looked at me angrily. I had never once rebelled against Imset because I respected and loved him, as he once used to treasure me. But that was all long gone ever since he knew he had a better chance at getting the crown than we did. He purposefully worked harder and flaunted his abilities and knowledge to make himself seem more suitable for the crown than the rest of us, and just that ruined our once loving relationship by breaking it completely.

"If you want to change the rules, then you must do it yourself." He announced in a loud and clear voice, so that everyone could hear him. I looked at him shocked as to what he meant. "Fight me in a rightful dual." His eyes were narrowed into a smirk as he awaited my response. I took a few steps back and turned to look at the audience. Quinn's eyes were wide with worry as my brothers' were gawking at the scene before them. I finally made eye contact with my parents, neither of them wanting for me to agree to the challenge or even consider it. I disregarded the warnings everyone had sent out, "Fine. I accept your challenge." The second I had agreed, everyone in the room gasped as my father stared at Imset angrily while my mother looked at me worryingly. Esphion was now looking at Imset with heated rage, but he refused to look at her, saving himself from her painful reaction. My brother looked at me with a cruel expressions that indicated that he was impressed at the general fact that I accepted his challenge.

Wordlessly, I chose to ignore everyone and stormed out of the room. Quinn followed behind me, "Are you insane?" He grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him.

"Yes, okay! I just want everything to go back to normal. I want my family, and my brother, back. I also want you back." I replied in sad yet loud words.

"You can't get that. No matter how badly either of us want it. Lea, that is not something that you can get, no matter what you do." He told me in a calm yet worrying tone. I looked at him with tears gathering in my eyes, "Listen, you still have time to get out of this mess."

"I can't. I am going to fight for what I want. Imset was right, I should start taking things into my own hands. If only I searched hard enough for a way to stop either of us getting hurt, maybe then we wouldn't have had to go through all of this." I spoke between sobs.

"There was no other way back then." He replied cautiously, "Please change your decision before you get hurt." I shook my head, not wanting to listen to him. He held me firmly in his arms and made sure that I was listening, "This will end with one of the two of you dying, or if you're lucky, getting badly hurt. There is no safe and happy way out of this if you go through with it. And even if you both find a way out of it without getting hurt, you will not be bringing your family together but you'll end up ripping it apart."

"What do you want me to do then? Sit and watch him take from us all and hurt us out of his clouded desire for power and control?" I finally spoke back. He was out of words. "Exactly." I said before turning around to walk towards my room. On the way, I could hear the echoes of my parents arguing with my brothers from my room as I changed myself into a completely black armour that was to raise questions about whether or not I was well guarded. I picked up my sword after equipping myself with all types of weapons that I could use against my brother.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Esphion commented as she walked into my chambers, her tone was sad and dull.

"I always thought that you brothers would be the ones to compete, but that clearly isn't the case." My mother said as she walked in. I turned around and met her sad gaze, she held my hand in hers as a way of comforting and encouraging me.

War of the Legacies (WOM II) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now