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The wind whistled through the small gaps that take the place of windows, thunder rumbled through the halls. A dementor floated down a corridor, past a woman with a high pitched voice singing children's songs. The dementor collided with an invisible wall of power before it made a screeching noise and turned away swiftly, the front of its cloak burnt. The wall it collided with was made out of pure magic, the whole wing of Azkaban was inaccessible to dementors because of a lithe figure sitting cross-legged in an old cell that had not been repaired in almost one thousand years.

The figure had long raven hair falling to the ground and curling in his lap in a tight plat. The figure was seated in the cell was an extremely famous Slytherin, but his presence in the infamous prison wasn't common knowledge. The walls that caged the figure were so decrepit that simply kicking them would collapse the thin stones, unfortunately for the figure, he was trapped inside powerful wards made out of crystal stones and olde magic. The ground was wet the water that had entered through the thin and tall windows, but unlike the significantly newer portions of the prison, they had no charms to prevent water from entering.

A pair of eyes which glowed an ethereal green, the same colour as the killing curse snapped open. The famous Harry Potter's paled in comparison to this pair of orbs.
"Soon... We'll be free..." The eyes were hidden by their lids as the figure delved into his mind once more.


A loud explosion sent shockwaves throughout the prison, shattering the walls of his cell. One particularly large piece of rubble knocked over one of the pedestals upholding a large black gem. He took the opportunity in hand and rushed the hole in the wards with all his magic and successfully broke out of his confinement. A large grin split his face as he stood up unsteadily moving to the wall for support. Waving his hands the figure made the crystals disappear into smoke, they were much too precious to leave lying around.

Insane laughter resonated from outside, he looked up and saw a woman with dirty black hair laughing in the rubble. "We're free."
The boy: for he did not look a day passed 16, looked into the distance and over the wind words were blown back towards him. "Hogwarts... We'll start there..." He turned away from the large construct and disapparated as soon as he left the wards.

Word Count: 424

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