✓ one , abe's grandson

Start from the beginning

"thanks, max!" the both say together.

"that's quite alright." i chuckle.

a few seconds later a pair of trousers and an untucked button shirt comes sauntering down the stairs.

"about time, everyone else should be up soon. i don't fancy making breakfast by myself." i say, placing more toast into the toaster, as i prepare for everyone else to come down.

millard sighs, taking another orange from the fruit basket. "i didn't go to sleep until late last night, and surprisingly i wasn't reading. hugh was snoring, which meant his bees kept on coming in and out of his mouth." he tells me, squeezing the orange juice into a glass, "it's the buzzing that gets me."

i shake my head, "haven't you lived with him for over 60 years? shouldn't you be used to it by now?"

"no. and no matter how much longer i live with him i'll never get used to it." millard chuckles slightly, and i watch as the glass is lifted up into the air and tilted.

i can't see millard unless i use a fair amount of energy. the first time i discovered i could see him was when we were playing raid the village, and i had to make all us kids (besides millard of course) invisible before the police spotted us. i was concentrating so hard, that when i looked over at millard's floating clothes i could see him. i knew it was him because of his clothing, obviously. i was just glad he hadn't taken them off or anything like he regularly does.

he seemed quite glad to know someone could see him, even if it was just for a little while. when i told the others and miss peregrine, they were amazed. apparently not many peculiars could see invisibles.

the thumping and shouting upstairs snaps me from the memory. fiona, hugh, the twins, olive and emma all came scurrying down at once.

i shuffle over to millard, grabbing onto his shoulders (he is quite tall, so it was a little hard) and move him in front of the toaster. "you do the toast, i'll do the orange juices." he doesn't argue, and begins to spread jam on a slice of toast.

i take more oranges from the basket; fiona had made a lot yesterday. i cut them in half before using a tiny force field on either side for more added pressure, that way most of the juice would disperse. i did this quickly, and soon placed all the glasses in front of the children. i help millard spread jam onto the rest of the slices of toast, and hand them out. i make sure to save a plate each for miss peregrine and enoch.

millard and i get our own breakfast, and join the kids at the table. enoch joins us to, grumpily sitting at the end of the table nibbling on the bread.

we all chatter amongst ourselves, laughing and making plans for the day.

"how about we play a game of soccer today?" i suggest to hugh, millard and fiona, "who's in?"

hugh and millard nod their heads. fiona nods to, but tells us miss peregrine wants her to grow extra vegetables for tonight and tomorrow nights dinner.

"that's ok, join us once you finish though." i tell her, to which she nods enthusiastically.

miss peregrine makes an appearance, clearing her throat as a hint for us all to be quiet. "good morning, children." she smiles. we all mutter good mornings back. "you all know yesterday and maybe the day before that i went out of the loop to check over some things. on the way i spotted, well, i spotted abe's grandson."

ocean eyes (millard nullings) ✓Where stories live. Discover now