Harry stared at it. He couldn't believe that this could actually be part of his real life. Where he's from.

"Where is that cave?"

"The cave is in England, in a mountain named Skiddaw."

"I'm going to check it out." Harry said beginning to walk away.

"What no!" Anne said. "You are not going to fly so far out."

"Mom. Don't you understand, I can actually find out where I come from, what planet I'm from and who my family is!"

"But, we are your family." Anne said softly.

Harry smiled. "Of course you are." He gave her a hug.

"How about this. Harry you are technically in charge at work so when your boss comes back, ask for atleast 3-day vacation and we can all fly out to England. That way you won't do it alone."

Harry sighed. " I guess so." He looked over to Niall. "Come on, let's get you home."


It was finally Monday and Louis was back. Harry was excited. He walked into his boss office and gave him, his coffee.

"Uhm, Mr. Tomlinson can I talk to you for a second?"

Louis sighed. "What is it?"

"So my family has this trip that they've planned out since forever and I was wondering if I could take a few days off just like 3. So I can go with them."

Louis stared at him. "No."

"Louis please!" Harry begged walking over to Louis' side of the desk. Louis gave him a look. "I mean, Mr. Tomlinson it's a family tradition. My mother is super excited and she'd be devastated if I didn't go. I already have someone to cover my place."

Louis sighed once more. "Fine. But only 3 days. I want you back Friday, early."

"Yes thank you so much!" Harry cheered, then gave Louis a kissed on the cheek. Once he realized what he did he stopped.

"Oh god. Oh god I am so sorry I'm just. I'm sorry. Okay, I'll leave. Goodbye!" Harry ran out of the office, close the door behind him and sat on his desk.

Niall strolled over and looked at him. "Are you okay? You look a bit... flustered."

"I just gave Mr. Tomlinson a kiss on the cheek." Harry said. Niall's eyes widen.

"You-what-you-he-you gave him a kiss! What?"

"Sssshhhh! Keep it down!"

"Oh my gosh. You have the hots for Tomlinson."

"What no I don't."


"Niall get out of my face. Go back to your desk I have a lot of work to do since I'll be gone for 3 days."

"Fine, but hey remember to take pictures if you find anything cool."

"Yeah, yeah."


Louis stared at his screen for 10 minutes. He was still trying to process what just happened. He wanted to be mad. He really wanted to be mad. But if anything he was.... happy. He liked it. He liked the way Harry's soft lips felt against his rough cheek. He knows he shouldn't though.

Harry's voice startles him through the ear piece, making him jump.

"Mr. Malik from Vodak is in the phone for you."

Louis sighed. "Thank you." He picked up his phone and took the ear piece off.

"Zayn! My man! How are you?"

"Aye Louis, so I've been meaning to stop by for some brunch."

"Oh man I'd love to but I have a lot of work to get in."

"We could always eat in your office. C'mon we gotta catch up!"

"Alright then. Come on over."

"Great I'm coming up now."

Louis chuckled, how did he not know Zayn was gonna do this.

Louis put his ear piece back on. "Mr. Malik is on his way up, let him come right in, and we don't want to be bothered for an hour. Unless if it's an emergency."

"Yes, sir." Harry replied.

After Zayn came in with food, they began chatting up. It's been a while since they've hung out and honestly Louis missed it. Zayn told him about how his marriage is falling apart and Louis told him about the recent crush he's developed.

"What is stopping you man!" Zayn exclaimed.

"What? What do you mean? I can't, I cant like him. I shouldn't."

Zayn made a face. "The fuck you mean you shouldn't? He isn't like some forbidden fruit. He's just your secretary. Dude imagine all the office sex you'd get."

Louis threw one of his couch pillows at him.

"Okay. Give me one good reason why."

Louis didn't say anything.


"Okay what is a good reason I should, then?" Louis asked, chewing on a pizza.

"Okay well first, the obvious. You like him. Second, your kid likes him and he likes your kid, third, he's the only secretary you can actually stand which means you can stand him out of work. Which you've told me you can. I mean.... he's the only person you do not hate in and out of work. Except for me you know, but I'm not trying to have you up my ass." Zayn winked.

Louis rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever."

Red Rose (L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now