“Kaija, enough,” she ignored my voice and Beau shot me a look.

“Kaija, ENOUGH!” Power shook the house as my words belted out of me at full force. Everyone turned towards me, their eyes wide. I had just used an Alpha voice, or rather a Beta voice. I felt myself cringe at the realization. My father had been right. He’d been the Beta of our last pack, or at least he had been before it had been wiped off the face of the earth. A neighboring pack had done so years ago. I had been only four months old when we became the last three members of our pack.

“Kaija, there are things I haven’t told you about our past. But now isn’t the time to tell them. I have to go somewhere with Beau. You’re not going to like it. But I can’t worry about that right now. Vesca and Lexi will look after you while I’m gone.” Kaija’s expression was hard to decipher, emotion after emotion flickering by as I watched.

“At least you said goodbye this time,” I couldn’t help but cringe at her words. I hated goodbyes.


“Are you going to tell me what that was all about, Dom?”

“What do you want to know?”

“How long have you known you were a Beta?” I cringed at the title, hatting the fact that because I had the voice I also had the title of Beta. You don’t need to have a pack to be a Beta, the same thing applying to the Alpha title as well.

“Since about when you did. My dad warned me that I might get the voice one day, since he had been Beta of his pack.”

“What was it called?”

“I’m originally from a pack called Westmoor. At one point we had about six hundred members, making us one of the largest Packs in the United States. My dad told me that because of our numbers, many people had begun to resent our pack. One of our toughest rivals had been a pack that I still fear today. The Veadboro Pack.” Beau’s face paled at the name.

“Veadboro? Are you sure?”

“Yeah why?” I could sense his fear, and I knew that in seconds he would sense mine.

“Let’s just say they haven’t gotten any friendlier since and lets leave it at that.”


“Look, it was a long time ago Dom. Things were different back then. As the human societies changed, so did the packs, each becoming a little more humane as the years passed. But not them, they never changed. They still follow the same barbaric rules that our ancestors did, without leaving any room for interoperation. But that’s all I’m going to tell you okay?”

“I was just going to ask which one of my contacts you though I should contact first?” He knew I was lying, but he played it off, letting me have this one.

“Oh… defiantly Othello.”

“Not him again. Seriously?”

“He’s got some of the best intel there is for Rogue okay?” My mood had completely changed, all thoughts of the Veadboro Pack escaping my mind.

“Do I still have to-,”

“He still doesn’t know you aren’t gay, Dom,”

“Oh come on! Can’t I at least pretend to have a boyfriend then?”

“Maybe if you wanted bad information. We can’t risk Dominic.”

“We? WE? You’re not the one who literally had to butter him up for information on Rollins. Actual butter Beau. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at butter the same way again.” Beau couldn’t stop himself from laughing, I only wished I was making up the whole ordeal. But no, I still got queasy when I look at butter.

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