💚Chapter 5💚

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Harry, Draco, Luna, Neville and Hermione made their way towards the front of the crowd. They had enjoyed their trip on the boat, especially after feeling Hogwarts magic entering them (as it did for Fred and George) to welcome them back home, but they couldn't wait to meet one of their favorite teachers again; Professor McGonagall.

While waiting, the group was chatting together until whispers started about 'The Harry Potter' coming to Hogwarts. The group had to hide their laughs at the fact that 'The Harry Potter' was right in the middle. However, they heard an obnoxious voice (Ron) say, "I know Harry Potter! He's my best mate!"
Everyone crowded around Ron, hoping to know anything about Harry Potter. This got the group mad.

Draco went towards Ron, and stood right in front of him with his Malfoy sneer. Draco said venomously, "Since when were you Harry's mate? Last I checked, he rejected your handshake."
Ron sneered back, not as good as Draco's, "What do you know, you're a slimy snake!"
Harry butted in, "He knows more than you. Besides, Draco here is my best mate, not you."
Ron, completely embarrassed, said, "W-What are you talking about, mate? You told me we were best friends? We sat together!"
This time, Hermione came in, "Actually, Harry was sitting with us. He was never once with you. Harry was sitting with Draco, Neville, Luna, Fred and George - your brothers - and me. You're just lying. You want attention that badly? That's kind of sad.."
"DON'T TALK TO ME THAT WAY, YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!" Ron screamed, causing gasps to be heard everywhere.

McGonagall, who was hiding behind a statue since she was unexpectedly curious, heard enough. She came behind Ron and tapped him on the shoulder, "20 points from whatever house you are sorted in, Mr Weasley. This school does not allow name-calling, especially that word. It would be wise to keep quiet and pray you don't end up in my house. Now then students, enter the Great Hall."
She opened the door, and allowed passage way for them. Before the group entered, she stopped them and said, "If he ever irritates you, tell me immediately".

Draco, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Luna entered the Great Hall while reminiscing about the past; about the first time they did this. They all remembered how shy/scared/nervous they were, which seemed weird to them now. All they feel is being back home, but they have a job to do. A job to get rid of the evil in their home.
Soon, the sorting began.

"Granger, Hermione" Professor McGonagall called out.
After a minute, "RAVENCLAW"
"Longbottom, Neville"
After a few minutes, "HUFFLEPUFF"
"Lovegood, Luna"
After a few seconds, "RAVENCLAW"
"Malfoy, Draco"
After a few seconds, "SLYTHERIN"
"Potter, Harry"
The hat sat on Harry's head comfortably, and began looking through his mind. The hat already had an understanding of what was the situation, but needed to see Harry's point of view to understand where he belongs. The hat saw where he previously put Harry, disgusted by his past self's choice. The boy was clearly a Slytherin, after all, only a Slytherin can beat a Slytherin; and he did beat Tom Riddle.
The hat knew where to place him, it was too obvious. And he knew the boy, well a man in a boy's body, knew where he'd end up as well.
"SLYTHERIN" the hat shouted, quite satisfied.

There was complete silence in the Great Hall, the boy-who-lived is a Slytherin?!
The time travelers began to clap for their best friend, and slowly, the whole of Slytherin. Harry got up and went towards the Slytherin house, a smirk plastered on his face.

Before the feast, the sorting hat, which still sat on the three-legged stool in the centre of the stage, shouted "WAIT A MOMENT! I HAVE MADE A GRAVE ERROR WHEN I SORTED LAST YEAR!" - whispers began as people were trying to figure out who was sorted wrong - "2 SLYTHERINS ARE IN THE WRONG HOUSE! FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!!!"
Everyone was stunned as the 2 well-known pranksters got up and went to the Slytherin side with smirks plastered on their face. Their robes changed from Gryffindor to Slytherin, signalling the end of their Gryffindor masks.

Harry turned and saw the surprise on Dumbledore's face. Harry smirked victoriously, let the games begin.

Sorry it's soo short, but I have a tight schedule from now on. I really wanted to post this before my tight schedule begins, so I did.
Hope all of you enjoy this story.
Ja nee~

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