💚Chapter 3💚

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*Death Speaking*
*Death Speaking inside Harry's head*
*Speaking inside their head*

Sal, Petunia and Harry got along great. They did many things together and Petunia helped Harry with the chores. Soon enough, Harry got his acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

It was the day Harry would get his Hogwarts letter. The day everything started. Aunt Petunia woke him up a bit early so he could prepare for this day. He slowly approached the pile of letters and picked it up. First was the electricity bill, which he put it at the back. Then the water bill, which ended up behind the electricity bill. Then the gas, then some other letters; all landed at the back. Finally, he found his letter. His Hogwarts letter. He quickly hid it in his room before approaching the kitchen and keeping the other letters down on the table. He smiled at his aunt and nodded his head, indicating that he had hidden his letter. The two started making breakfast for the rest of the family. Petunia quickly unfroze a piece of raw meat and handed it to Harry on a plate. Harry took it and placed it in his room for Sal to eat. He put up spells in his cupboard so that it doesn't smell like raw meat or anything as such.

Petunia wanted to move Harry to the upstairs bedroom the day they came back from the zoo, but Harry didn't allow. He felt that Dumbledore would come to realize that he was being treated nicely and may change his plans. After all, Dumbledore shouldn't know about this- it'll be easier that way to 'predict' his moves. All Dumbledore knows from these 11 years was that Harry slept in a cupboard- he never bothered checking why, indicating that he may have predicted that Harry was being abused. So, by sending Harry to the upstairs bedroom, the letter would be addressed to the upstairs bedroom and Dumbledore would know something was wrong with his plans.

Petunia didn't quite understand it but gave in anyways. However, she was quite persistent on the fact that Harry would eat his meals with them, despite the obvious hatred for the idea from the other 2 boys. When she asked why Harry hadn't shown Dudley the truth, Harry said simply that he wasn't mentally old enough to see it. Which was quite true.

Harry and Petunia had formulated an idea that Harry would ignore the letter, making Dumbledore believe that Harry wasn't allowed to read it. They knew that Dumbledore would send Hagrid to pick him up, much to their chagrin, and waited for that time. When Hagrid shows up and takes Harry to Diagnon Ally, he would  report to Albus that Harry wasn't allowed to go because of Vernon. They'd play it that way. After all, it was quite easy to fool the half giant.

And so, the day finally arrived. Harry's birthday.

According to the plan, Petunia would go out for the day. This way Hagrid has no idea that she was supporting Harry. She quickly gave Harry his birthday presents- books she knew he'd like to read, and pictures of his parents she had kept over they years and made it into an album- before leaving for the day. Harry had shrunk Sal and place him into his pocket, knowing he'd leave the house in his attire. He purposely wore clothes that would make him look like he had been given only second-hand dirty clothes (despite the fact that Petunia secretly shopped for clothes for him a week after the zoo trip). He patiently waited and waited, until he could sense Hagrid's magic outside the house. Unlike last time, Hagrid didn't arrive at 12am, but at 10am only. This proves that things were beginning to change. Death had seen this before hand and had told Harry what time Hagrid would arrive.

3 distinct pounces were heard on the door before a shriek from Vernon followed, ordering Harry to open the door. Harry smirked, things were going as planned.
Harry opened the door like a timid child and acted surprised when faced with the half giant. It took all his courage to not lash out and kill the giant. Harry led Hagrid into the living room and called for his uncle, saying there was a guest waiting for him. While waiting for his uncle to come down, Hagrid gave Harry a box of cake- the same one Harry remembered from his last life. It broke Harry's heart to think that this friendly half giant was just using him. He was, after all, Harry's first friend.

The minute Vernon entered the living room and saw Hagrid, he knew this was concerning 'That Freaky School'. The argument played just as it did in his last life, only this time Vernon was the one who told Harry of his mother being a witch. It ended with a rat tail on Dudley and the 2 wizards storming out.

While they were on their way to Diagnon Alley, Death had asked Harry to listen as he had some news. He connected Sal to the mind link too, and Sal just listened. He didn't need to ask questions as Harry had told him everything already.
"Harry, this maybe startling but, Hagrid is not bad. I can sense some potions in him to make him bend to Dumbledore's wishes."
"What?! How did you not know before?!"
"By the time you became enemies, I think Hagrid became loyal to Dumbledore without potions. Years of being drowned in it can make this happen. Hagrid, who had been drowned in potions his whole life, wouldn't have needed anymore by the time of the final fight against Voldemort. He would have felt it was natural to obey Dumbledore's every wish. It's quite confusing and complex, but that's the truth. He's been controlled by Dumbledore his whole life that his mind had felt it was normal to do anything Dumbledore says."
"What about the rest of the order members?"
"After seeing Hagrid's condition, I assumed there may be others that we don't already know off. Sadly, there wasn't. Only Hagrid and the rest that we know."
"What do we do?"
"Unlike the rest, Hagrid has been controlled for far longer. At this point I don't even know if there's anything we can do. Magic told me that the only thing we can do is show him your memories and pray he realises. If he still ends up wanting to follow Dumbledore, I'll know and I'll tell you to obliviate him. That's the only solution Magic can think of."
"When should we?"
"Now. The sooner the better."
"If you're sure....."

Harry smiled, he may have his first friend back. He could never truly hate Hagrid, and hopefully he can save Hagrid this time. He knows how it feels to have Dumbledore mess up your life. He stopped in the middle of the street, causing the half giant to turn around and look at him in surprise.
"What's 'e matter 'Harry?"
Harry motioned Hagrid to the dark ally next to them, and Hagrid followed. Once they were in, Harry checked to see if anyone was following him using his magic; no one. Not even Dumbledore. Harry had, in fact become stronger than Dumbledore over the years. He trained much more. But the loss of his friends made him give up, he couldn't go on alone.

Harry placed his hand on Hagrids shoulder, far too short to reach to his cheek, and sent all of his memories. Everything, till the last second. Once done, Hagrid fell to the ground crying. Harry slowly started to wandlessly and wordlessly remove all the potions in Hagrid, hoping the half giant would realise. After a while, Hagrid stood up and faced Harry. Death invaded his mind and saw that Hagrid was 100% on Harry's side. Harry smiled, he gained a new ally and got his first friend back.
Harry placed a spell on Hagrid, with his permission of course, to make it seem like the potions were still there. He also placed a spell to block out those memories from Dumbledore or anyone trying to see into Hagrid's memories, and a spell to remove any spells that would enter Hagrid.

Hagrid and Harry entered the bar and played it out like before. They played it out the same way, till they entered Gringotts. They came face-to-face with Griphook, when Harry bowed to show respect. All the goblins stopped and stared at this display of respect. Griphook, once he finished being startled, asked for Harry's name kindly.
"Harry Potter." he said, shocking Griphook. Before Griphook could say anything, Harry continued, "May I please have my vault transaction record and access to my vault?"
Once again shocked by the respect from the tiny boy, Griphook asked for his key. Hagrid handed it to Griphook and Griphook took it. They entered Griphook's personal office and Griphook conjured up the vault transactions....

Let's just say some of the Weasley family members and Dumbledore himself were taking out huge amounts of cash from the vault.

This surprised Hagrid as he wasn't aware of this. A deal was fixed where Griphook shut down their vaults (only the good Weasleys could take out money), return the money with interest to the Potter Vault, and removed Dumbledore as a magical guardian. When asked who he wanted as a magical guardian, he replied no one as he was well over age to live without. Confused by this, Griphook took Harry's blood for an age test and saw that Harry was around 80. Harry explained, more like showed his memories, to Griphook , who had pledged loyalty to Harry and swore this would be kept top secret. Harry left the bank with a pouch to withdraw money whenever he wanted to.

How was it?!
I hope it wasn't confusing. I just couldn't bring myself to make Hagrid bad.
Please comment all your opinions.
Ja nee~~~

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