💚Chapter 11💚

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I don't own HP!

When Harry received the note from Professor Snape, he didn't know what to feel. Within a day and a half, all the Horocruxes returned to Tom who then proceeded to make his original body from it and separate from the still alive Quirrel. In all honesty, he was going to use the few days before breaking out Peter and Bellatrix for getting the Horocruxes and somehow convincing Quirrel-Mort. Sure, that could have ended with his death, but he didn't know if there was any other way.

Harry's train of thought was lost when Fred shook his shoulders. Harry turned around and saw Fred, half stuffing his face with food since they were in the great hall for dinner, and sighed.
"What's wrong, Harry?"
"I don't know. I should be glad about what happened but.... but if feels that I was left out or that everything's moving fast..."
"Isn't it better if things moved fast? Faster way to get rid of stuff?" George chipped in.
"Probably but... what after? Do we  all leave or take shelter here? Do we fight then and there or prolong the war?...."
"There's something else you want to ask, right?" Draco said, noticing the pause.
"It's just.... I've been so focused on getting stuff done, I haven't had time to look for the person I want to.."
"Don't worry, he's here." George said and Fred nodded.
"What??? How do you know??"
"Look. For the longest time, Fred and I never felt like we were a part of the family."
"We felt like the adopted ones or just like ghosts there."
"But Charlie and Bill would always make sure we were fine, especially in Hogwarts."
"And when we weren't yet in Hogwarts, it was Dad who took care of us, even after a bloody long day of work."
"After them helping us for so long, we just know when they're back. Intuition."

Harry sighed, "I wish I had that."
"You probably do, but the stress from the past few days for everything to go perfect is just getting to you." Fred concluded. Harry nodded at this reasoning.

After bed time, when everyone's gone to sleep, Harry and Draco made their way towards Snape's office. His office was secretly connected to his living area. They slowly entered and used the route Snape taught Draco to use. After a few secret pathways, they reached a green door. Draco opened it and immediately saw a very beautiful living room,
With a kitchen further ahead and a few other doors. Snape was in the kitchen, cooking, when he looked up.
"What are you two doing here."
"Just wanted to visit him" Draco said.
Snape sighed and pointed to the second door. At least Tom wasn't a snake now, Snape somehow convinced him to change back to normal (mostly to help him eat and communicate better).

Draco and Harry slowly entered the room and saw Tom Riddle, on the bed and hugging the pillow. Tom slowly turned his head towards the door and began to softly cry. Both boys immediately rushed in and hugged Tom.
"I'm sorry!" Tom kept repeating on and on.
"It isn't your fault." Draco said.
"He's right. It isn't. You were controlled to, just as I was controlled to kill you. None of this is our fault, but we're going to make Dumbledore pay for this." Harry finished.
After a little bit more crying, Snape and the two boys were able to convince Tom to eat. Both boys left, wanting to give the two some alone time.
As they left, Tom wanted to go to bed. He was feeling so sleepy. Snape got up to leave but before he could, Tom captured his hands, "Please, stay" Tom asked. Snape smirked and nodded, getting into bed before cuddling and falling asleep with his Tom Riddle.


The next day was awfully uneventful. No one had any plans for today. It was tomorrow night when the 2 imprisoned were freed and war would officially be declared the day after.
All the students who knew were prepping for it, and so were the people outside the walls of Hogwarts.

After exiting the Dining Hall, finishing Lunch, Hermione joined Draco and Harry (and little Sal in Harry's pocket, unknown to many) and the three began to chat animatedly. Fred and George joined in and the five were laughing and talking.

Until, they were stopped but the asshole Weasleys.

Percy and Ron stood there proudly, wands out and pointed at the five.
"What exactly do you plan to do?" Hermione asked, annoyed.
"What we should be doing to Death Eater and Slytherin scum"
Percy and Ron immediately shot a spell (Percy no doubt teaching Ron before this ordeal) but, of course, the 5 could dodge it all. However, the knowledge that they could win was unknown to one person as she stepped in to protect Hermione.

It was Pansy who took the hit.

As soon as she hit the floor, she began screaming and wailing, the crucio being to much for her to handle. Enraged, Hermione was the first to react and shot a spell to the two boys, blasting them to the wall, effectively ending the crucio. Hermione immediately went to Pansy and picked her up in her hands.
"It's alright, it's alright..." Hermione said, continuously repeating it like a mantra.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Proffesor McGonigall asked.
"Professor they attacked us! They blasted us for no reason!" Percy said and Ron fake cried. Of course, McGonigall saw through the act.
"That's not true, professor! The two crucio'd Parkinson!" A bystander Hufflepuff said. A few other bystanders nodded.
"WHAT?!" Professor McGonigall was enraged.
"They're lying!!" Ron said. They thought they would get away with it because they thought no one would report them for harming slytherins!! Slytherins were supposed to be hated by everyone, right?! So why were people defending those stupid snakes?!

McGonigall went to the two, "For using crucio against students and then lying, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts."
"What?!" Both said.
"Give me your wands, NOW!"
Both handed their wands to her, afraid of her.
Right in front of them, she snapped their wands and ordered them to finish packing their stuff and leave in an Hour. Flinch and a few other professors would escort them out.

McGonigall made her way to the group, sitting down and checking Pansy.
"She'll be fine. She's strong."
"Professor, you know that they won't stay expelled, right? Dumbledore'll interfere."
"Oh I know, but they'll stay suspended for sure. Not even Dumbledore could do anything against that. There were too many witnesses."
"But what's the point of expulsion?"
"One being that they won't be stepping into Hogwarts after you know what (A/N: after War is declared in 2 days) and the other reason is that I can snap their wand."
"They'll get a new one?"
McGonigall smirked and whispered in Harry's ears, who then smirked and whispered it one and continued the chain.

Ollivander joined their side. The wands he'll give them won't properly work for them and would have a tracer.

Almost everyone forgot to question how McGonigall knew this information since no one ever revealed the truth to her, except Draco. However, even he knew the answer. Uncle Snape must have told her everything.

ANOTHER UPDATE!!! I just had this idea for this chapter before the climax and I NEEDED to write it. Hope you like it!!
Ja nee~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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