Understanding you

Start from the beginning

"Well, like any other kid, you would expect an older sibling to immediately be welcoming and loving. Especially when they're step and you're coming home all the sudden from a poor village. And y'know, he didn't fit that criteria so I didn't like him." She replied. Chiyo took a deep breath before she continued. "Then, like you, I began to notice how he took care of the others. He was so kind and gentle with them. I also couldn't help but to admire how he was able to take care of all of us while his parents are constantly traveling. I also noticed how when I opened up, so did he. He smiled at me more when I was open about my feelings, holding me when I would cry to him when I was sad or laughing with me when I laughed. I really like big brother now. Do you feel the same way now that you see him like this?" Chiyo turned her head to Shuuichi as she asked her question, dark purple eyes looking at him for an answer.

Shuuichi thought to himself for a moment. He then looked at Chiyo to answer her question. "Well, I admire him for his hard work." Shuuichi answered. She nodded in understanding. As they were about to bring an end to their little discussion, another sister rushed to the two. "Hey! Chiyo! Shuuichi-san! Big brother made food! Wanna join us?!" One of the twins, Hana, excitedly offered. "I'll eat later. I'm going to move on to my next assignment." Chiyo said with a small smile. "Ah, do you want me to help you..?" Shuuichi offered but the girl shook her head. "Nah, this is going to be easy. Eat with everyone else, I will join you guys when I'm done." She replied calmly. Shuuichi nodded and began to walk away.

"Hey." Chiyo calmly said and Shuuichi turned to face her. "It was nice talking to you. I hope you talk more to big brother too." She said with a smile. "It was nice talking to you too." Shuuichi replied also with a smile. He then headed off to join everyone else.

It was another eccentric sight to see Rantarou wearing an apron while holding freshly made food in his hands. It was very different from the mysterious Rantarou he saw at school. At least it was nice to know that he wasn't the only one who felt the same. As everyone ate, Shuuichi couldn't help but to continue to observe Rantarou's interactions with everyone. He was always either giving light smiles or laughs. He turned over to Shuuichi. "You've been quiet." He noted. "Ah, it's nothing really.." Shuuichi replied sheepishly.

Rantarou then shot him a teasing smile. "Is it because I'm different than I usually am to you?" He asked as he rested a hand on his cheek. Shuuichi could always recall that smile and pose that he always did. He usually did it when he was talking to others. His eyes would always look so analytical and the smile would sometimes even look disingenuous, just plastered on to hide his true feelings of intentions. Though in this case, while his eyes still looked analytical, his smile seemed to be playful, as if he was just simply poking fun at Shuuichi.

It almost looked like the pose Chiyo did when she was explaining her story, though her smile wasn't as teasing as Rantarou's. Shuuichi can now clearly see just how much she admired him to the point that she imitated one of his poses.

"W-well.. I guess that's an appropriate answer.." Shuuichi replied reluctantly. There would be no use to lying to Rantarou. He would know a secret or a lie when he would hear one. Rantarou laughed lightly. "Just as I thought. It's usually like that." He said. Shuuichi just nodded. He didn't want to keep talking about this with all of Rantarou's sisters present though it was possible that they all understood that feeling.

Shuuichi was getting ready to leave after such a long day. At least it felt long to him due to going to school then having to take care of 12 young girls. But nonetheless, he felt better in the end. He was glad that not only did someone understood him but also because he could feel himself start to understand Rantarou and unveil more of his character. Such as the fact that he's a very caring and passionate person as well as a good cook. As Shuuichi was putting on his shoes he heard footsteps approach behind him. He turned over as he lowered his foot. It was Rantarou standing in front of him.

"Thank you for helping out, Saihara. I hope you feel at ease now." Rantarou said with a smile on his face. This time, the smile actually looked genuine. Sure, he was smiling at his sisters the whole time but Shuuichi was surprised because this was the first time Rantarou genuinely smiled, well, at him. Something that he never expected to see. "Yeah.. it was nice meeting you.. you know, the real you.." Shuuichi said gently. "I guess that's fair enough. I'm going to see you tomorrow, yeah?" Rantarou asked and Shuuichi nodded. Rantarou reached out his hand. Shuuichi didn't get it at first until he noticed the expectation in Rantarou's green eyes. The eyes that looked so analytical and fogged up with mysteries now looking warm and friendly. Shuuichi extended his hand out and shook Rantarou's hand. He felt Rantarou's firm yet gentle grip as he shook his hand.

"You know, I noticed that look you always gave me. It's always intimidated but at the same time, I can tell you wanted to understand me." Rantarou said as he let go of Shuuichi's hand. He shouldn't be surprised, of course Rantarou would read into him like that. "I suppose so.. this was a nice opportunity to finally find something in you.." Shuuichi replied as he looked away. "Truth is, when Akamatsu is usually gone, I do it all myself. The real reason why I asked you was because I wanted to calm you down due to you always being alarmed around me. And you know.. change your perspective of me." Rantarou said one more time. Actually looking away, looking like his own words just embarrassed him.

Shuuichi gave him a light smile. "It worked." He simply said. "Anyway, I'll get going now." Shuuichi then added and Rantarou nodded. Rantarou waved him good night as Shuuichi left the huge house. He definitely felt more comfortable around the other male now.

(A/N: holy shit I actually ended up developing one of the sisters. That's unexpected)

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