This bath is great for soothing skin irritation, boosting magnesium levels, and overall detoxing  

Lotion & Scrubs

Self-Tanning Lotion

Requires: Unscented white lotion, 100% pure cocoa powder

1. Start out by combining 1/2 cup of unscented white lotion in a bowl with 1/3 cup of pure cocoa powder.

2. Mix with a fork. Make sure to break up any clumps and blend well.

3. Adjust the recipe to match your desired color. The lotion will appear darker in the bowl than it will on your skin. Keep adding a little bit of cocoa powder at a time until you reach your desired shade.

4. Smooth the tanning lotion over your entire body evenly.

5. Apply daily for a gradual deep tan.

Homemade Lotion

Requires: 1/2 cup almond oil or jojoba oil (or any other liquid oil), 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup beeswax, 1 tsp vitamin E oil, 2 tbsp shea butter or cocoa butter (optional), essential oils or vanilla extract (optional)

1. Combine almond oil (or any other liquid oil), coconut oil and beeswax in a double boiler or a glass bowl on top. If using shea or cocoa butter, add it as well.

2. As the water heats, the ingredients will start to melt. Stir occasionally as they melt to incorporate.

3. When all ingredients are completely melted, add vitamin E oil (if using) and any essential oils or scents like vanilla.

4. Pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for storage. Small mason jars (8 ounces) are great for this. It will not pump well in a lotion pump!

5. Use as you would regular lotion. This lotion is ultra-moisturizing and more oily than water-based lotions so you won't need to use as much. It also has a longer shelf life than some homemade lotion recipes since all ingredients are already shelf stable and not water is added. Use within 6 months for best moisturizing benefits.

Aloe Based Homemade Lotion

Requires: 1 cup aloe vera gel, 1 tsp + 1 tbsp beeswax pastilles, 1/2 almond oil or jojoba oil (or any other liquid oil), 1 tsp vitamin E oil (optional), 1 tbsp shea butter (optional), essential oils of choice

1. Melt the beeswax, almond oil (or other liquid oil), and shea butter (if using) in a double boiler or glass bowl over a pan of water

2. Remove from heat and pour into a blender or mason jar (if using an immersion blender)

3. Let cool to room temperature. You want it to be room temperature and just barely starting to harden around the edges. This will help make sure that the lotion emulsifies correctly

4. Add the vitamin E (if using) and any essential oils

5. Start blending on low using a blender or immersion blender. Very slowly, start adding the aloe vera gel until incorporated. Use a spatula to wipe down the sides and re-blend a few times until fully incorporated

6. Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to six weeks

Lip Scrub

Requires: 1 tbsp of organic coconut oil, 2 tbsp of brown sugar, 1 tbsp of organic honey, a small container with a lid, bowl, and spoon to mix ingredients 

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