Chap. 4 - The Awkward Breaks

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"Can anybody tell me why Anderson brings the plastic prick with him to the bathroom?"

"Um... Detective Reed? I... I really don't want to know what they're doing in there."

JUNE 20, 2039
AM 11:15:23

This was not awkward at all. Nope. Look away now. Nothing unusual here. Just an android buying sandwiches and drinks for two. Yep. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Go on.

Hank normally would not do anything that would cause any suspicion, evident by the lengths he went to hide Connor's stomach growls. But this moment was such a golden moment that Hank just couldn't pass. The moment was... too amusing.

Hank stayed by the little umbrella and amusedly watched as Connor 'casually' (as casual as the poor former droid can be) and begrudgingly walked over to the stall. Connor tried to keep his cool. He wasn't feeling that hungry, but his stomach says otherwise. Ok, he was. Damn Hank for making him do this.

"Hello." He spoke in a goofy voice. "I'm here to order 2 Set A's." Grumble... Connor felt great emotion come over him at that moment. He had it filed under the 'hb_emotion' folder as '12_embarrassment'. He made an internal sound similar to a sound he recalled as... Pterodactyl screeching.

The man seemed to recognize him from the last time he was there. "You're that android right?" What is an android doing at a stall ordering food? They don't do that anymore.

"Correct." Connor did that head bobbing thing, "My name is Connor. I'm here with Lt. Anderson." The vendor looked at him skeptically. He took it as a sign to elaborate.

"The other is for a co-worker? Lt. Anderson recommended this place." The man didn't seem to buy it. This stall wasn't really popular amongst the police. Heck, they didn't have that much people coming there. He let them be, under the impression that Hank recommended it... somehow. Hank didn't seem to be that type of person.

The man turned around to prepare the 'meal' and Connor took this chance to shoot Hank a dirty look. Hank replied with a mock offended one. Or maybe it was a smug look. Connor didn't know.

'Doing good?'

Connor frowned. He gave a 'Are you kidding me?' face.

The man turned right back to Connor and handed him a paper bag. Apparently, in 2039, they still had lousy ones. He walks back to Hank who still had the proudest grin ever. He dumps the paper bag on the table and frowns. Hank simply breaks into a hearty laugh. Connor huffs, which surprises him in more ways than one.

"Don't worry. You did fine."

"An 'android' orders food for 2 people, but there's only one being present that is capable of eating. Do you know how strange that sounds?" On second though not so much. Well... yes... no... argh.

"Well, you still went with it."

(Connor blamed desperation. He blamed this stomach.)

"That is not fair," Connor pouts, "I was experiencing hunger."

Hank looked smug as he dug out 2 burgers from the paper bag. He hands one out to Connor. Connor just stared. If he still had an LED it would've been flashing yellow. He clearly hesitated as he took the object. It felt... strange in his hands. He never had to consume anything before other than specimens for analysis but he never really ate it. It was more of a 'taste' test (Hank felt shivers of unknown origin crawl up in his spine) than consumption.

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