Chapter 12- movies and moving

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(y/n) POV

After a about an hour of Halle being gone, I started to get worried. So I went over there.
For some reason I felt extremely nervous. I couldn't move. I was standing at the door like an idiot.
I reached for the room key in my pocket and realized I left mine and the boys in my room. Great going (y/n).
So I knocked. When Thomas opened the door I smiled.
"Hey Thomas. Is Halle here?"
"Ya. Her and Dylan are watching a movie. It's really loud." He joked.
"What about Addi?"
"She was here earlier. I think Tom took her to the movies."
"On a date?"
"Probably." He paused. "You wanna come in?"
"Sure." I went in and sat down on the couch. I heard sounds of a violin and something else coming from upstairs.
"Your right, their Movie is loud. I wonder what their watching."
"Same. I can't tell if it's horror or romance because one minute you hear screams and gun shots and the next you hear people telling each other they love each other or whatever."
I laughed. Hanging out with Thomas was always fun. I feel like nothing was wrong with the world.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Addi wanted me to tell you that she will be staying here for a day or two. Just so she can cool off."
I nodded. That makes sense.
"I just feel bad. I can't tell her and she's my best friend. I tell her everything. You know. But I still have to respect Halle. You know."
He grabbed my hand. "I totally understand. When I was younger I went through a situation like this. Of course the big secret was that someone ate someone else's ice cream, but that's not important. Addi will probably forget about it in a couple days, knowing her."
I laughed. "That is true. If Tom plays his cards right, maybe tonight." We laughed again. 
"Wanna keep watching Stranger Things?" Thomas asked
"Sure, but I have to admit, I did watch episode 8 without you." He fake gasped, putting his hand over his heart.
"How could you?"
I laughed and turned on episode 8.
"I'll watch it again." I said, grabbing a blanket. 


I woke up with a headache. I looked over and Thomas was asleep, with his arm around me. I checked the time. 1:30am. I couldn't see much because it was so dark but I shrugged it off and decided I'll just sleep here for the night. Honestly i didn't remember much of what happened earlier.
I heard Tom and Addi coming in, trying to be quiet, but laughing. I wondered why they were out so late, but it was like 10:30 when I cam over and if he took her out to a movie, then those are 2-3 hours long so.
I heard Tom whisper to Addi. "(y/n) and Thomas are asleep on the couch. Should we wake them?"
"No, no. I think their fine."
"But where will I sleep?"
"You could sleep in Thomas's bed, or with me..." she said, mumbling the last part. I don't even know how I could hear it.
"I could sleep in Thomas's bed." He said, I could tell he was thinking.
"It's late, lets go." Addi said. Then they whispered more, but I couldn't hear them. Their voices faded. I filled my head with thoughts, only to be greeted with immense pain.
My head hurt so bad and I didn't know why. I laid back down, hoping that it would go away, but it didn't.
I must have moved around to much, because Thomas woke up.
"(y/n) are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache."
"You want some Tylenol?"
"Umm, no I think I'm-" i got cut off by a sharp pain in my head. "Actually, ya. Can I have some Tylenol?"
"Sure." He said, getting up.
A minute later he came back with some Tylenol and a glass of water.
"Thank you Thomas." I said taking them.
"No problem love." I smiled. He had never called me Love before, but I liked it. "Why Don't you go up to my room to sleep, and I'll sleep in the couch."
"But Tom might be in your room."
"Oh, I doubt that. Any chance he gets I bet he would sleep in the same bed with the love of his life."
"Then why wouldn't you come up with the love of your life?" I asked before I even realized what I just said.
"Just to sleep."
"Just to sleep." I nodded. We went upstairs and Thomas was right.
Tom and Addi were cuddled up together, and it was honestly adorable. Halle and Dylan were the next door down, and they laying where Halle was on her side and Dylan was laying behind her, his arm on her waist, but above the blanket. We passed them and getting to Thomas's room. I got under the covers laying on my back.
Thomas got on the other side, and he was also laying in his back. I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and soon sleep overcame me.

Thomas POV

(y/n) fell asleep pretty fast. I rolled over on my side and looked over at her. Even in sleep she looking beautiful.
She, unknowingly, rolled over and moved closer to me. I was tempted to cuddle her. I was dating her, so I mean it wouldn't be that weird, right?
I moved a bit closer to her, and she snuggled her head into my chest. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer.
I fell asleep not long after. It was the best nights sleep I'd had in a while.


I woke up, in the same position as I remember falling asleep in last night. I couldn't move and wake (y/n) up, so I waited. Luckily I didn't wait long.
(y/n) woke up and smiled.
"Hi Thomas."
"Hello Love."  I smiled.
She got up, and so did I. "I don't think anyone else is awake."
"Lets check."
Dylan and Halle were still asleep. Halle was on the left side of the bed, and Dylan was all they way on the other side.
I looked at Thomas in confusion, but shrugged it off.
"Halle moves a lot in her sleep." I whispered to him.
"So does Dylan." He whispered back.
We moved to Tom as Addi. They were closer than the night before, and that almost didn't seem possible.
Thomas and I went down stairs.
"Should we make breakfast?"
"Why not. I'll do bacon, you do pancakes?"
"Sounds like a Plan." I smiled.
Dylan and Halle came down about half way through our cooking, Dylan trying to steal a piece of bacon.
Tom And Addi came down just as we were about to start eating.
"Grab a plate and what you want, and join us!" Dylan shouted at them. Tom and Addi smiled and both grabbed some.
The conflict of yesterday was forgotten about.
When we were eating my headache came back worse than before.
I yelped and stood up. It felt like needles were piercing into my head. I felt extremely dizzy and I yelled for Thomas before blacking out.

Thomas POV

"Thomas!" It wasn't very loud. A little more than a whisper but it was the last thing (y/n) said before blacking out.
"(y/n)? (y/n)! Wake up! Please!" I ran to her side and felt for a pulse. I finally found it. She was alive but barely breathing.
"Thomas? She's alive right?" Halle had walked up behind me. She seemed afraid of the answer.
"Yeah. She alive, but barley," I picked her up off the ground and carried her to the couch bridal style, "Dyl? Can you call an ambulance?"
"Sure!" He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number. I was surprisingly calm during all this. Or at least I tried to be. On the inside I was freaking out.
The ambulance finally arrived and they wisked (y/n) away, not letting any of us to ride with her.

A/N- Im so sorry i haven't published in FOREVER but I was on vacation for a few days so I wasn't able to publish but I hope this longer chapter makes up for it!

~ Mads

From The Streets •~• a Thomas Brodie-Sangster fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin