chapter 9

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We all get up there and sam asks me my name. I knew he knew it.

"Ellisa."  I say and he smiles

"And yours" and he looks at kelly

"Kelly" she says. I look over at colby and I see him staring at her. They would be cute

"What's your guys' names?" Colby asks them

"Dana" she says smiling at him weirdly. He looked uncomfortable

"And yours?"

"Theresa" She says

" Awesome!" Colby says

"So we're gonna play a game on who knows us better. So we're gonna be the blue team." Sam says and hands me a shirt. Our hands touch and he looks into my eyes and smiles. He gives one to Kelly too. He gave me the white board and we all went to either side of the stage.  I see Colby staring at Kelly some more and I see them smiling at one another. That's adorable

"Alright so pick a team name." Sam says. Kelly and I look at one another and we already know what to put.  "Sam's tiny nipples" I put on the top.   Sam looks at it then at me and we all laugh. 

"We already got our team name hurry up. Slow pokes." Sam says. Colby looks at us

"Woah woah. Trash talking here" He says and we all laugh

"So what's your team name?" Sam asks Colby

"Colby's koloa's. What about your name" He says

"Sam's tiny nipples" He says and everyone in the venue laughed. 

"Alright so the first question. What are Sam and Colby's girl names? " Kelly and I read ahead and already got it

"She already has it." Sam says about me

"5 seconds" Colby says.

"What did you guys get? " Sam asks.  They turn them around and it said "Samantha and Michelle". We turned ours around and it said " Samantha and Colleen"

"One point to " Sam's tiny nipples"" And all cheer. Sam and I ended up dancing next to one another and us laughing. 

"Alright guys last question. All tied up. So anyone could win." Sam says

"When is Colby's birthday? Month, date and year"    Sam says.  Kelly knew it immediately and wrote it down. Theresa and Dana we're confused.

"5 seconds" Colby says. They ended up getting nothing

"What did you guys put?" Colby says looking at Kelly

"January 2nd,  1997" Kelly says

"You're correct. Sam's tiny nipples win!" All 3 of us cheered. Sam and I hugged one another saying goodbye and he hugged Kelly. I waited for Kelly because Colby was talking to her.

"What happened?" I ask her

"I just got Colby's number"

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