Chapter 22

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I left. I didn't know where to go but I left.

"Ellisa wait!" I turn around and see Colby running towards me

"what colby. Its obvious sam doesn't wanna be around me" I say balling my eyes out. He walks up to me and he hugs me

"come Ellisa. You're my girlfriends best friend. Come back inside."

"Sam doesn't want me there Colby. If I go back inside he might kill me in my sleep." Colby laughs

"no he wont. Hes just upset. Sure, hes mad now but hell get over it and feel bad afterwards."

"you think?" I say stepping back and colby nods his head

"yea. Now come on and come back inside. He went up to his room. I don't care if he tells you to get out. You're our guests here and we all have the last say in what happens to the guests in our house."

"I wanna talk to him." I blurt out

"I don't think that's a good idea right now Ellisa. You guys are here for a few more days. Maybe we can come up with something to get you guys to talk." I nod my head

"okay." I look up and see Sam looking out his window to Colby and I below. Once he saw me looking he walked away from his window.

Colby and I go back inside and see kelly jake aaron and corey at the counter.

"hey guys whats up?" Colby says as we walk into the kitchen

"were coming up with a plan for ellisa and sam to be together." Corey says

"really?" I say almost excidedly

"yea. Ellisa we know how sam feels about you. He was hurt when you said that but you said it as soon as it happened. You didn't wait. We respect you for that and we wanna help you out." Aaron says and all I could do was cry

"no Ellisa don't cry again." Kelly says hugging me.

"im just so happy I have a group of people like you guys. You guys are the best." And it ended up being one big group hug.

"so we have figured out how to get you guys to talk." Aaron says breaking the group hug

"whats that?"

"so were gonna play a game. Which colby is going to say that kelly is his girlfriend and-" kelly interupts him

"wait what?! Youre gonna tell people??" She says and colby nods his head

"kelly this maybe really corny but you make me the happiest ive ever been. Even though weve only been together 3 months and this is our first time meeting in 3 months I really feel somehing with you that ive neer felt before. Fuck the haters I wanna be with you!" He says coming over to her and hugging her and kelly starts crying

"colby I honestly thought I was the only one who felt that way!" She says hugging back we all awe and we get back to getting sam and I together

"so were gonna play never have I ever. Were going to inroduce ellisa as kellys friend of course but aaron is going to ask "never have I ever liked someones girlfriends best friend" and sams gonna have to put his finger down and then were gonna wing it from there." Corey says

"I like it!" I say.

"but what if he doesn't put his finger down?" I continue

"then were gonna call him out" colby says

"sounds like a plan."

"alright guys everyone get some sleep its late and lets get ready for operation get ellisa and sam together begin tomorrow!" Colby says and we all laugh. We all go our separate ways besides colby and kelly and they walk into colbys room. I walk into the guest room and try my best to fall asleep

*kellys POV*

We get into colbys room and he hugs me tightly

"I didn't wanna tell you infront of everyone because they wouldn't think im crazy but I think im in love with you kelly." He says softly into my hair. It sent shivers down my spine

"colby I.." I didn't know what to say. Obviously I love him but im scared of him hurting me

"you don't have to tell me now. Im just telling you how I feel." He says kissing my forehead

"come on we need sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." He says taking my hand. We both get into bed and he cuddles me close. I fell asleep to his heart beat so fast I didn't even know I went to sleep.  

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