Memory 1

The first time me and the girls meet it was grade school, kindergarten. I was playing in the sand box Johnny was at nurse office again when a girl with short hair with lots of dark red in it said "hi I'm jade were friends now" I laughed "oh o-okay I d-don't have a-any friends" I was super shy and never talked to anyone but johnnycake. "Well now you do" she smiled showing one missing tooth "okay I'm Lilly" I said "I'm going to call you Lil" she said playing with some sand, "but it's Lilly" I said "Lil is cooler" we giggled. That's when johnnycake came back "flower who is this?" he asked he was in first grade and he would call me flower because I love to play with flowers and my name is a type of flower"my new friend jade" I said smiling he smiled back "jade I'm Johnny Cade Lilly's big brother" he said sitting down. Jade put her hand to my ear and said "your brother is cute" we giggled "what's so funny" Johnny asked "nothing johnnycake" jade answered "I like that nickname" he said "I like it to she give me a nickname too its Lil" I said without being shy "this a start of a wonderful friendship" jade said giving me a side hug as we laughed and played.

Memory 2

A week after that Johnny was playing and someone was being mean to him again and jade loved to fight even back then she showed me how to fight, "leave him alone!" Jade yelled at him "oh look this greaser have a girlfriend" the kid soc said "that's my brother so go away!" I yelled "oh and a sister to" he said "hey Paul leave that kid alone!" a girl yelled. He looked behind him and jade kicked him and I punched him the other girl help Johnny up Paul ran away, "thanks for the help" I said "it's fine I'm Sam" she said "I'm jade This Lilly and that boy that you help us save is Lilly big brother Johnny" jade said "cool can I be your guys friends?" she asked me, Johnny, and Jade looked at each other and smiled "yes" Johnny said.

Memory 3

It's was the next day after that and we were all playing at the monkey bars Johnny made some guy friends about time little did I know the was pony, soda, darry, and Steve they didn't meet two-bit yet they meet him the next school year and dally is at New York they meet 2 years and a half years later, but I never meet them because Johnny never let hang me out with any boys. A girl was on the bars and fell off me and the girls help her up, "you okay?" Sam asked "ya thanks for the help, I'm Isbella" she answered "well I'm Lilly but you can call me Lil, that's jade and this here is Sam" I said showing her to the girls "hey Isabella want to be in our gang" jade said lots of our kids call us the troublemakers and still do "okay what's your gangs name?" she asked "the troublemakers" Sam answered. "Oh your that group of girls" she said "hey you in or not Bella" jade asked. "It's Isabella and yes" she said me and Sam laughed "jade made a nickname for you meaning you got to keep who do you think give me the nickname Lil" I said "oh okay I like it anyways" we got into lots of trouble and our name lived on and we were the best of friends and still are.

After thinking about that I stop crying knowing I have super great friends and thinking about it more we haven't made a lot of trouble meaning we can't be the troublemakers with out getting into trouble, I got up and head to Milk's I walked there and went to bed.

~~The Next~~

I walked out and ahead to the Curtis house I was wearing short shorts but I would add another short with a black T-shirt, I made it to the house and open the door the second I walk in Johnny hugs me "I'm so sorry Lil I missed you so much" he said still hugging me he let go before I blacked out.

"Hey johnnycake" I said "is all the guys here?" I added "ya pony and soda said you had something to tell us" Johnny answered "ya I do" I said walking into the living with all the boys looking at me "LILLY!" they yelled. "Hey guys I missed you" I said looking around then my eyes landed on pony my smile dead "hey what's wrong Lil it's like you don't want see your own boyfriend" two-bit said "oh no I just need to say something that I don't want to" I answered "oh what?" Steve asked "before I do dally, two-bit, Steve, soda keep johnnycake away from ponyboy and pony stay on the other side of the room" I telled them, soda and Steve sat next to pony on one side of the room and on the other side dally and two-bit next to johnnycake darry in the middle of it.

I looked at everyone before I could say anything the girls walked in thank goodness "hey we are here" Jade said "did we miss it?" Bella asked "ya we want know why you beat cherry up again with the cop and everything " Sam said "wait what cop Lil what did you do?" Johnny asked but dally and two-bit kept him getting up. "how about you girls help the boys keeping johnnycake from killing someone" I said Mini Sat next to darry jade in front of Johnny, Sam in front of pony and Bella next to me.

"Okay, I was walking with the Shepherd brothers don't ask when I saw cherry was kissing p-ponyboy and he didn't even stop her" I said now crying in to Bella shoulder "he what?!" Johnny yell he tried to go after pony but dally two-bit and jade hold him back with soda Steve and Sam around pony.

"Let me go I ain't going kill him!" Johnny yelled "seeing how hard your trying to punch him I would say that's a lie" jade said to him "johnnycake please stop I want hear pony as to say before you kill him" I said he stop ponyboy went next to me Bella Sat down.

"I just want to say she kissed me, and that cherry said that I didn't kiss her that she would get every soc to come and find you and beat you I can't let that happen to you so I did it, and if it helps you are a much better kisser then her" he looked at me not carrying that the gang is here. I looked deep in to his green-grey eyes I put my hands on his face and kissed him it was full of force and lust I pulled away and slapped him in the face "ouch what was that for" he asked like a kid.

"that was for being an idiot and the kiss for trying to be sweet" I said smiling and the gang laughing "and now I'll come home but I got to go girls are coming with" I said "we are?!" they said at the same time "yes now come on, pus I was thinking we crash another party and this time try to get the cops come" we all laughed and the boys looked shocked all the girls kissed a boy on the cheek and leaf I kiss pony, Sam two-bit, Bella soda, jade Johnny.

And we ran out laughing "so when did you and johnnycake start going out and you with two-bit?" I asked Sam and Jade "never but I was thinking we could play the game" they said at the same time we all laughed we have not play the game in forever. It's spin the bottle and truth and dare put together, this is how you play: sit in a circle you must have more then one girl and boy who ever the bottle lands on gets asked a question they have answer truthfully or they most do a dare if they don't do that they have to kiss anyone they say if they don't do that no one can talk to that person for 2 hours , we plane on playing it with the boys but not telling them about the kiss or what happen when they don't any three. It's fun to mess with the boys Johnny knows the game but we added the kiss and no talking rule when we made back in middle school.

We went to the store got what I need and head home we went in put the stuff in my room, "okay boys we are going to play a game" we said smirking "oh not again" Johnny said "oh shut up johnnycake" I said "what's the game?" the boys asked "it's called the game" we said. "Okay let's play" we got ready for the game we told them how to play we got started to play I started and it landed on......

A.N-Hope you like it, I had some fun making the ending because the game is a game that I made up I had fun putting it in the story. READ, VOTE, COMMENT, ENJOY, STAY GOLD, BYE!!!-JOHNNYCAKE4EVER

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