Dixie Boy

432 13 11

You hadn't slept all night, Josef seemed to fall into a deep sleep during Mundy and Alyssa's long pleasurable session. But you couldn't, they were so loud, your eyes swelled in exhaustion, you just wanted to sleep. Your hands crept up Josef's chest as he grunted pulling a pillow over his face, he was so innocent when he slept, he was like a little kitten. You gave a weak whine and slowly pulled the blankets off you and put on a soft, white robe. You walked upstairs and a ping of sickness flowed through your stomach making you stumble. You held your stomach and stood there for a moment, the moans were still continuing, finally. You have brought strength to walk to the door and knock on it.

"Can you both try and be less obnoxious? I'm trying to sleep."

You said softly trying not to sound up tight and rude. You didn't hear a word but the moaning became less obnoxious, but the sound of the headboard was still loud. You began to wobble down the stairs and walk into bed, Josef was still lying there with the pillow on his head. You giggled pulling the covers over your head and kissing Josef's collarbone. You felt a sharp pain in your stomach again making you feel nauseous. You got out quickly running down the hall and throwing up into the toilet. A big warm hand was placed against the small of your back slowly rubbing it, you heard a rough whisper behind you

"Frau, are jou okay?"

I pushed your hand across your mouth and nodded

"Yeah, must be a stomach flu."

He nodded helping you up and walking towards the room, he laid you down and pressed a hand against your forehead to make sure you didn't have a fever. He got up and kissed your forehead pushing your hair behind your ear and crawling in beside you. He wrapped an arm around you as well as the blanket, you began to fall asleep in his warm embrace.

Morning Time skip

You flung out of the bed, breathing heavily, it was a bad dream. You looked around to see no Josef, you got up and walked down the spiralling stairs, a tall man in a cream vest stood at the counter in the kitchen whipping something up. You knew it was Josef. Your hands went around his hips hugging him, he was making bacon and pancakes. You instantly pulled away, you felt sick to your stomach smelling the bacon. I walked to the washroom calmly and threw up, you put your hands to your face and began to cry. So many things were going through your head, soon enough you heard running and looked behind you to see the small build behind you, you give her a weak smile and she sits down and pays me on the back.

"Little stomach flu you got?"

You shake your head and cough loudly looking at the young girl

"I.... I think I'm pregnant..."

She looked at you with a giggled and helped you up, she walked you to her room where a roughed up man laid in the bed

"Here, go pee on this and you'll find out alright?"

You nod and take it from her and go to the washroom, you put it to the side and sit down in the hall, you begin to cry and you hear Josef calling your name. Alyssa instantly grabs you and slightly pushes you into her room and locks the door.

"Just stay here until we actually know. We don't want your boyfriend to find out yet."

You nodded and held your head into your hand and began to cry, you didn't want to be pregnant, you were only 21. You both locked at each other then the door when you heard a knock escape. She called out waiting for a response

"Who is it?"

You panicked as you heard Josef speak, what if he had found the test?!

"Ish Y/N in zhere?"

She looked at you and gave you a side hug to comfort you

"Yeah, she just wants to talk to me"

You heard a sigh of relief escape from the other side of the door.

"Alright, thanks frau."

You guys waited for a bit longer, the pregnancy test was more then likely to have been developed. But you were just too overwhelmed to go check, so Alyssa took hand and went along into the washroom to check. You heard her footsteps and she didn't look speechless or surprised. She closed the door behind her and looked at you showing you the test to see for yourself, you gasped loudly and started to cry, your hands began to shake as you pushed your head into her. She held you comfortingly, you heard a raspy voice from behind you and looked back to see Mundy

"Oi, Shelia, you alroight?"

The tiny girl then gets up out of your hold and walks towards Mundys lap and sits upon it and shows him the test. He looks at you and then back to Alyssa

"Don't tell Medic anything about this, he doesn't need to know yet. We need to make sure Y/N is comfortable of her choice."

He nods and scratches the back of his neck and pecking Alyssa on the lips as she pulls away slapping his chest. It had scars, from his shoulders to his lower stomach. You wondered what happened to him, maybe he was on the same merc team that Josef was on. Mundy didn't seem to care for him much, he seemed weirded out by him more so. Which concerned you, what if he knew that he was a serial killer at some point?

"Well I will leave you both alone, I'll go and get some food, if anyone is hungry."

You tried to croak out, you shook rapidly and got up and walked to the door ready to leave, they both looked at you.

"Nah Shelia, oim fine, thanks."

He looked down at Alyssa with fire in his eyes and gave her a grin

"I'm good, thanks Y/N."

You nodded and closed the door and walked down the hall, you couldn't believe it, you were just..... Pregnant. You then walked downstairs to your room and closed the door and began to cry, you crawled into bed. Covering your eyes and bawling.

A little bit later filled with crying

You clutched the bed sheets and sniffles as you heard the door opening and trying to stay quiet of the long cry. You looked down as you felt weight behind you, a strong arm held you closely and kissed your head. It was Josef, oh god he can't find out.

"Ich haven't seen jou all day. Vhere have jou been! Vhy are jou crying?"

You turned in the bed and grabbed onto his chest and cried louder, he held you closer and rubbed your back.

"Vhat Ich loss?"

You rubbed your face into his chest and sniffled holding tightly onto him, he just waited and kept comforting you.

"Josef, I'm pregnant."

Wow, sorry about these delays, I was busy for a bit there as you guys know. But I will be coming out with chapters daily again since I'm in Kansas now! Sorry about the short chapters also. Sometimes it's hard to add little details to make the chapter longer! Make sure you comment and vote so I know you want another chapter!

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