Chapter One

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^Sam (aka Hot blonde guy)(you learn his name next chapter)

[Chapter One]

When I was ten, my mom left. It's not that she didn't love us, because she did, she just loved him more. She found a man that she apparently loved more than my father and left us. She tries to keep up with me and come visit, and stuff like that. I try to bond with her I really do but she broke my trust the day she left. I remember it so clearly, just like it was yesterday.

'I had just gotten off the school bus and I was walking home. I was almost on the porch of our house when my mom came flying out the door, with my father following closely behind her. I stopped at the edge of the stairs, it looked like they were fighting.

"Amy, please, don't do this!" My father pleaded. That's when I noticed her suitcase, which was evidently packed in a hurry because there were clothes spilling out of the sides.

"Jim, I can't stay here. I have Todd now. I love Todd." My mom said slowing her pace.

"But I love you. Havana loves you. You can't just up and leave like this. We are a family. We had vows Amy. We're supposed to stay together 'till death do us part'. Don't you remember." My dad's normally strong voice cracked.

"Yes, Jim we did, but things change. People die. Things get hard." My mom said simple.

"Is this about Ian?" My dad asked her. The mention of my older brother sent a pang through my heart. I grasped the dog tags around my neck.

"No. This has nothing to do with Ian." My mom said furiously. She took a deep breathe and spun around to see me standing at the bottom of the porch steps looking wide-eyed at my parents fighting. I never see my parents fight. I hear it sometimes but I never see it.

"Mom? Where are you going?" My ten year-old self asked.

"I'm going away for awhile but I'll come to visit you whenever I can." She said bending down to my level, grabbing my chin in her hand. "I love you so much Havana." She stood up and gracefully walked to her car, suitcase in hand, her Long hair whipping behind her.

"Dad, where is mom going?" I asked him, lugging my backpack up the steps with me, grabbing his large hand with my small one.

"I don't know, sweetheart. I don't know." He said watching her car drive away. "Let's go make some dinner." My dad said plastering a fake smile to his face but I could see heartbreak plainly in his eyes. I was a very intuitive kid.

The divorce papers came a week later. Infidelity. Her infidelity. A few months later their divorce was finalized. '

It's been eight almost nine years since then.

I saw my mother less and less as time went on. My dad got full custody of me when they divorced. She was busy spending all of her time with Todd and his family. I stayed with her for a few days once and I almost lost my mind. It's like my mom and Todd never want to be not touching. If they got separated for more than twenty minutes they both started to freak out. It was weird, like they were a part of each other, like they belonged together.

It was kind of gross to see them hugging and kissing all the time, but I'm sure it would be adorable to people who aren't her daughter.

My dad hasn't been on a date since my mom left. My dad isn't ugly, he is actually good looking for a man in his forties. I know that if he wanted just about any woman would love to go out with him.

I live with my dad. We still live in the same house, same neighborhood, same school. Everything is the same. My dad asked me to go to the grocery store earlier but I was in the beginning of a batman marathon, In the middle of Batman Begins so I procrastinated.

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