Chapter 1- Kiri is back >.<

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Kyoya's POV:
The host club is in trouble. Even my financial skills can't fix this. Tamaki's last ball has put us over and beyond our budget. If we don't find a way to fix this problem, we're going to have to close.

" Tamaki, you've gone too far this time " I say over the bantering of the twins goofing around. Everyone has now turned their attention towards me.

" What do you mean Mommy " he said looking at me worried

" We'll if you really want to know, we are in a money crisis. Your ball cost us all the money for the next month? No matter what I do there's no way to fix the problem. We need to find a way to get money funded into the club, or we might have to close " I said pushing up my glasses.

" DOES THAT MEAN NO MORE CAKE TAKASHI " Honey screamed while crying, earning just a grunt from Mori.
" DADDY CANT LOOSE MOMMY AND HIS PRECIOUS DAUGHTER " Tamaki began screaming again holding onto Haruhi for dear life.
" LET GO SENPAI !! MORI SENPAI HELP! " this getting her more of a death grip from Tamaki.

" Everyone calm down. You guys are really capricious. " I said angrily. This was no time for panic we only have a few days before all the money is gone. We need to find a miracle and fast.

While everyone was still screaming Tamaki gets a call on his cell. He seems shocked when he looked at the caller ID. I wonder who it is?

Tamaki's POV:
This can't be happening!!! MY PRECIOUS CLUB IS FALLING INTO RUINS! Whyyyyyyyy!!!!!! :,(
As I was holding into Haruhi for dear life, I get a call from my cell. I look at my caller ID and see it's Kimi. The picture was of us with Kyoya in the backyard when we were in middle school. She was in the middle holding us in a hug. She moved to America about a year ago, I wonder why she's calling.

I answer.

" Hello? MY SWEET DEAR COUSIN I MISS YOU!!! " I screamed. She was practically the sister I never had. She was one of the brightest girls I've met. Beautiful on the inside and out.

I hear her laughing on the line.

" I miss you to mon ami! Haha I wanted you to be the first to know of my good news! " she said very high pitched meaning she was excited for something.

" what happend???? " I now started walking around the club room all eyes on me.

" come outside the club room and you'll see" then she hangs up. What does she have outside the club room? Wait how does she know I have a club room.

I slowly walked to the door, worried if this was one of her pranks, but it wasn't. There she was, my perfect 16 year old cousin smiling up at me.

Kimi's POV:
" surprise! " I scream up at him.
He attacks me in a hug knocking me down to the floor. This boy I swear is gonna kill me one day. I begin laughing and hug him back. I then realize there were twins looking down at us

" whose that boss? " they asked him I'm guessing

" This my shady twins is the best cousin ever Kimi Suoh!!! " he said helping me up.

" nice to meet you both! " I smile and look down blushing. I'm honestly not an attention person like Tamaki. I get quite shy when people notice me.

The come next to me one has his hand over my shoulder, the other one has his hand on my waist.

" Boss" the one on the left started
" why didn't you tell us you had such a cute cousin " the one on the right finished.

" GET OFF HER PERVERTS! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER" Tamaki grabs me and drags me away.

He then begins introducing me to his " family " and one stands out.

The boy I had my first crush on. The boy that definitely made my world upside down.

" Kyoya I believe you remember my cousin Kimi " Tamaki smiles

" Of course I do. Nice to see you again Princess. " He looked at me and returned to his black book.

That's all I needed to blush my face off. He used the nickname he gave me in middle school. He remembered me. But this obviously wasn't left unnoticed by Tamaki. Oh no.

" Gentemen, I've found our answer to our problems." This caused everyone, including me to look at him. What is he thinking? Who knew these next few words would change my life.

"Meet out first hostess, Kimi the 'shy' type. "

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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