Chapter 16 - Snake-like Thing With Teeth

Start from the beginning


I sat in between, Caitlyn and Cecille at our table, Felicity and Iris sat across from us. We were all wearing feather boas which were completely out of place at this fancier restaurant, but it didn't matter because it was Iris's bachelorette party.

"It's so fancy!" Cecille exclaimed and Felicity raised her glass of champagne to make a toast, all of us followed suit.

"Yeah, a toast to the future Mrs. Allen," She sang.

"West-Allen," Iris fixed.

"West-Allen," Felicity corrected. "Although your life with Barry may be fast-paced I hope you guys take the time to enjoy the special moments."

I smiled at her toast.

"Aww, thank you guys for coming. It really means a lot." Iris beamed.

"Cheers," We all chimed clinking our glasses together and taking a sip. I watched Caitlyn concerningly as she downed the whole thing in a matter of seconds.

"Well, all right. Who wants my champagne? Craziest thing I get to do tonight is order two desserts," Cecille offered.

"I'll take it!" Caitlyn jumped on the offer and picked up her glass. She seemed... off, tonight.

"That's right! Iris told me you were pregnant. How's that going?"I wondered trying to start conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Caitlyn chug another entire glass.

"Yeah, it's good..."  She stuttered. "I mean, it wasn't exactly part of my plan, but I just could not be happier.

"I know exactly what you mean." Felicity sighed.

"Oh yeah, how is everything with Oliver going?" Iris asked and I looked around the room. I didn't really know these girls like she did, I felt like the odd one out.

My attention shot to a man dressed in all black approaching our table. His dark brown hair was all combed to one side and he had several scars across his face.

"Do I hear wedding bells in your future?" One of the girls asked Felicity but my eyes were still glued to the scary man stalking closer to our table to pay any attention to their conversation.

Caitlyn nervously sighed and I looked at her. She was the only other one who noticed his arrival.

"Um, guys? Do any of you know who that is?" I gulped and their focus changed.

"Did you girls order a stripper?" Iris uneasily asked glancing around the table.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've brought all my singles." The blonde stated, she still hadn't looked up at the man.

"No, I--" Cecille started to defend and Felicity finally saw his face and stated,"Girl, you into some freaky stuff."

"Amunet wants you," He finally spoke staring at Caitlyn.

I looked at the girl beside me, "Uh, Caitlyn, do you know him?" She shook her head.

"You need to come with me," The perv demanded. Now, this guy was getting very unsettling.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," She stated and I looked at the girls, was I the only one getting creepy vibes off this guy?

"Please tell me that this is just part of his act," Cecille asked and I stiffened. Maybe we should go...

"If it is, it's taking too long. Take it off!" Felicity snapped at the stranger. He leaned down and turned his head. His eye popped out of its socket and fell in her champagne.

I leaned away from the table and the blonde yelled, "Gross! I meant take off your pants, not your eye! "

I heard a hissing noise and a snake-like thing with sharp teeth at the end emerged from the empty socket.

"Oh my god!" I trembled and lept from my seat getting as far away from him as possible.

Caitlyn and Iris flipped over the table to provide a barrier between us and the threat. Everyone else in the restaurant left in a chaos, leaving us and snake eye.

Felicity is the first one to challenge him, stepping forward. "Stand back baby momma, we got this," she called and grabbed a chair. She picked it up and swung it into his back, the chair breaking upon contact. Snake eye turned around and gave us a nasty glare, his eye lunging at us.

Iris came up next also snatching a chair and slapping it across his face twice before the eye fought back and knocked her down. Should I help? The only way I could be any use was with my inhuman abilities, and I didn't want to show them. I still had barely a clue of what I could do, in order to hide it from them, I would need to apply multiple illusions at once. I don't think I could bare that.

I spent too long thinking about what to do and the creature jumped at me, one of the teeth slicing my cheek. I fell down grasping the bleeding cut and knocked Felicity down behind me.

We all backed up against a counter hiding behind each other. Iris looked at my wound and tore a piece of her sash giving it to me so I could attempt to stop the bleeding. I sent her a gracious half smile.

The last one standing was Caitlyn. She stood hands extended, "Please don't do this," she pleaded.

"Didn't have to be this way," He spoke and approached her, his eye monster threatening.

Caitlyn gasped and her iris's glowed white. Icy mist surrounded her fingers like dry ice and her hair shifted to the colour of snow. Her once pink lips went a cold blue.

What I was seeing was the epiphany of Killer Frost, but Iris had told me that she was gone after their fight with Savitar.

"I was hoping to see you again," He smiled.

Her voice was different from before, having an echo after behind her words, "Really? So I can give you another scar?" She took off her feather boa and threw it on the floor.

The eye lunged at her and she blasted him with ice knocking him into the window. The glass shattered and left a knocked out psycho on the grass outside.

She let out an icy sigh looking at her outfit, "Ugh, I hate pink."


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End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now