Chapter 34 - Coming Clean

Start from the beginning


With Ronald among them, the Transfiguration teacher led them to the Hospital Wing with Harry still in his Quidditch uniform. As they enter, the woman alarms them. "I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock."

Harry was the first to saw her as Ron followed. They hurry to stand beside the bed, where they're female friend lays, stuck in one position. Harry was next Madame Pomfrey, who was watching their reaction to this turn of event.

"Hermione." gasp Harry, studying the stone-like state of the girl.

"She was found near the library..." explains the Professor before she spare the petrified Hermione and look at the bedside table, where a small mirror rest, "... along with this." Harry's face was downfall and Ron look like he couldn't believe the situation. "Does it mean anything to either of you?"

Harry shook his head, "No." sadly, taking a step closer he reaches out his hand to Hermione's hovering on. He was still wearing gloves but he can feel how stiff her body had become. Her full expression was in a state of shock, with mouth agape and eyes widen. 'We'll figure this out, 'Mione. You'll be okay.'

Heavy and rush steps told the arrival of someone else, two students –a boy Gryffindor and the one that followed was a female Hufflepuff –arrived to the scene. Nathan Colt, eyes widen in panic, bellow "WHERE IS SHE?!"

"Mister Colt," Poppy take charge of calming the boy, "quiet down, she's still asleep."

But a groan from the end of the room dictates her waking and the first thing she said was the call of "Nathan?"

"Y/N!" and so the boy rush to where the voice came from and he roughly push the fresh-mint colored curtain to the side to see the girl, wearing a white oxford –that's obviously not her size –and a black culottes short, underneath the white sheet, "Oh Y/N, you're okay!" he cried, hopping into the bed and without shame, hugged her in a proximity that didn't leave anymore space between them.

"Sleepy..." complain the girl, who still had a drool on the corner of her lips. But the boy didn't care and simply start shaking her back and forth roughly. "H-hey, wha –N-Nathan stop it!" and it succeed to completely wake her up.

And Nathan didn't let another second pass by and just shouted "You little baboon!" as he feel all those feelings that he had bottled up starts spilling, "Do you think it's funny for me to hear that you're all the sudden in the hospital? Do you like the idea of me having wrinkles in the early age just because you're being stupid again?!" and he let go of his tight grip on her shoulders then to take a step back from her and the bed. "I can't believe you, Y/N, you promised! You freaking promised moi you wouldn't end up in 'ere but –Mon Dieu, tu seras les clous de mon cercueil!" My God, you will be the nails of my coffin!

And to release his sudden angst, the boy ruffle with his hair, messing the bun he always have. And Y/N laughs. She laughs at it, unaffected by his vent –well, maybe not totally unaffected, she knew he was scolding her because it was needed but his intention was clear enough to Y/N that this was something she needed to hear. She reaches out for him then, holding the blond, flushed boy by the cheek and places a kiss on his forehead, continuously chuckling.

"Good to know you find this funny." puff the boy with pursed lips, crossing his arm like a child being denied the candy he wanted. Now that everything was out of him, Nathan's anger dispense like it wasn't even there in the first place. He can never stay mad at her.

"It kinda was." commented Y/N, pulling him close, also beckoning him to turn around, so that she could remade his bun. She knew that they were being watched but at the moment, her focus was solely on her best friend. Finishing tying his bun (Nathan's hair's got a lot of longer now. Y/N's wondering if he'll gonna finally cut it on this upcoming summer) she simply pulled him much closer from behind. With her head resting on his shoulder, Y/N whispers "I'm also done being stupid." and let her hair change back to its natural shade and with a few blink, the light on her eyes return as well its usual color. "No more of it."

Angel [Hierarchy Series] [Harry Potter Fanfiction] (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now