Crime of Fashion

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   It had been only three days since returning from Puffstar, and Meta could sense Dee's suspicion as he and Susie worked long hours in his workshop. He was acutely aware of the tongue-lashing he'd receive if their blossoming relationship was discovered, and Dee was already irritated about designing a uniform for Susie. Frustration was brewing as they were forced to stick to tiny displays of affection and brief romantic liaisons within lesser traveled areas of the base. Meta wondered briefly if he could discreetly soundproof his room...

"Hey, gimme a hand here," Susie called, snapping Meta out of his reverie. He quickly darted over to help her hoist the heavy metal component into place. It easily snapped into position.

"It fits flawlessly. Excellent work," Meta said. Susie smiled and did a little curtsy.

"Why thank you," she responded, before looking up at the half-assembled machine before her. The outer shell had not yet been slid into place, exposing the intricate inner workings that the two had tediously constructed and placed. The components were brand new and shiny, glinting beneath the workshop's overhead lights.

"I do rather appreciate having an assistant. Particularly a visually appealing one," Meta quipped, grinning beneath his helmet. Susie rolled her eyes.

"Hey now, we both know that you're the eye candy here," she chided, cheerfully patting Meta's backside.

"Do not objectify me," Meta said, making a show of crossing his arms. His act quickly fell apart as he failed to stifle a soft chuckle. He felt lighter and giddier than he had in years.

"Don't worry babe. I can always be the brains of the operation," Susie teased. Meta mockingly placed his hand over his heart.

"Alas, the term of endearment does nothing to lessen the blow," he sighed. Susie only grinned and shook her head.

"Drama queen," she said, grabbing a pair of pliers and taking a seat back at the work bench. Meta shrugged and followed, pulling his chair closer and picking up his soldering iron. Susie leaned closer, tapping at the circuit board Meta was working on. "You're missing something."

"Hm?" Meta muttered, looking closely at the wiring. He started as a feather-light kiss was planted on the metal over his cheek.

"There," Susie chirped, returning to her work. Meta's ears reddened slightly, and he glanced away.

"I have a reputation you know," he chided.

"Meta?" The two froze, and slowly turned to the now open door to the workshop. Dee stood there, holding Susie's new uniform and wearing a look of confusion. She looked from her leader, to Susie, and then back again.

"Now Dee..." Meta began, putting his hands out in a pacifying way.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Dee said, her tone lacking the venom Meta had expected. He shared a look with Susie before looking back at Dee.

"Huh?" Susie said. Dee smugly crossed her arms.

"Nobody else would believe me but I could tell. I know why you two were sneaking off the Halberd at three a.m." she quipped.

"We were merely... collaborating," Meta said hurriedly as Susie nodded along. Dee gave Meta a long, wicked look before tossing the uniform to Susie and tearing off down the hall.

"Meta got laid! You all owe me fifty dollars!" she screamed. Meta immediately bristled and tore off in pursuit.

"Dee you are on window washing duty for the next three centuries!" he shrieked, his hysterical rage fading into silence as he continued his pursuit.

"Meta!" Susie called out, though she knew that by now he'd be halfway across the base. She sighed and looked at the new uniform. "Might as well," she murmured.

The low hum of voices in the conference room quieted as Susie entered the room. Blade elbowed Meta, causing him to lift his head from the table where he was wallowing in his own misery. Susie's new uniform was a mix of white and gold, with the inner lining of her short jacket a dark navy color. Her helmet had been repaired and repainted, now with azure accents rather than pink. Dee shuffled through her gathered crewmates to stand beside her, gesturing grandly.

"Ta-da! It's made with our latest woven-metal fabric and can withstand shrapnel, bladed weapons, gunfire and extreme heat! And I'll test all of that on you if you fuck with Meta," Dee announced, whispering the final sentence to Susie. Only Mace politely applauded, with the others still giving Susie various glares. Trident leaned towards Meta and closed his mouth with her hand.

"You're gonna start drooling hon," she whispered sharply, ignoring Meta's annoyed batting at her hand. He cleared his throat.

"I dearly hope that you all hold a slight bit more respect than this for our newest member," Meta hissed. Vul and Mace shared a barking laugh as Sword held his arms stiffly at his side, rage building in his eyes.

"Our newest member shot us out of the sky and tortured you! And you have additionally taken a romantic interest in her, which is entirely improper..." he trailed off as Meta fixed him in an absolutely venomous glare.

"You and Blade met me in the process of robbing my home! Do not pretend to be on some sort of high horse as you stand here seething with jealousy!" he snarled. Sword completely deflated, and Blade coughed awkwardly before turning to Susie.

"Yah know what, let's start off with a clean slate. Welcome aboard, Susie," she said, flashing a thumbs-up. Susie stiffly returned the gesture.

"Eh, if she's Meta's girlfriend now I'm okay with the lass," Vul shrugged.

"I have assessed her behavior and have determined that she is a non-threat," Javelin intoned as the android floated around Susie.

"Uh, thanks?" Susie mumbled, starting as Trident slapped a hand on her shoulder.

"Ya know, if you like robotics as much as I do we may be able to get along," she drawled "You know, as long as you treat Meta like gold."

"I second this!" Mace called out.

"Stop threatening my girlfriend you absolute ingrates!" Meta shouted, silencing his crew. He took a few deep breaths before continuing. "Now that the news is out, I would like to update you all on the progress of our project-" The lights abruptly flickered out, leaving Meta's luminous eyes and Javelin's LED display as the only sources of light in the room.

"That's odd," Dee muttered "Is there a storm out there?"

"I checked the radar less than thirty minutes ago!"

"Could have been a wind gust?"

"Where's the backup generators?"

"Everyone calm down!" Meta snapped, the light of his eyes dimming slightly as he narrowed them. "I am certain that there is a rational explanation for this..." A thunderous explosion rocked the base, cutting Meta off.

"What the fuck," Susie deadpanned.

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