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"Delilah, hurry up or we are going to be late!" calls the super annoying voice of my father from outside my bedroom.

With an aching head I sit up, I need a second to remember what's happening.

Yeeah's exploring day.

A little explanation for you on what's happening here. My dad's name is Peter Bennet, he works in Seek Valley Lab. and today is the 'bring your child to work' day. Well, I'm 19 but my father still tends to call me a child.

After a few minutes of sitting in my bed and not wanting to get up, my dad won by constantly knocking on my door until I actually got up to hush him away. I decided to dress in a pair of black leather pants, a tight white t-shirt and a black vest. As always, I put on the arrowhead necklace my mother gave to me before she died. She always said: "My little princess doesn't need a knight in armor; you can take care of yourself with this Bow and Arrow."

Walking down the stairs I greeted my father with a rather unhappy."Morning Dad."

Because it's already late, I quickly grab a piece of toast and leave the house with my father.

"You've really impressed our CEO with your score, Delilah."

Dad's company has this exam where the children of the employees can participate and win a day of access in the company. I think that's really cool because I'm really interested into science. Ever since my mom died, I tried to get my thoughts off her and get my mind to think about something else.

I also enjoy to just build stuff out of random everyday objects. (I just watched MacGyver and just had to mention it^^)

We pull up to the building and park our car in the parking lot. We are greeted by the CEO of the Lab, apparently he's been waiting for us to arrive.

"Charles, it's nice to meet your daughter. After all those years I finally get to meet her. Delilah, your score at the exam was impressive. Now, what would you like to see?"

"I'd like to see your newest discovery."

Dad had mentioned that his crew found a breach or a portal as others would call it.

The entrance of the building is entirely made of glass, some plants are on the floor and at the reception. Everything seems..clean.

While walking to the elevators, we passed several employees and no one really looked thrilled that I'm here. In the elevator, my father's boss pushes the -6 button.

I didn't know this building has that many floors.

I hate elevators; they always make me feel nauseous.

Finally arrived on the -6th floor, Dad lead us to a room with " Ex. 03" written on it.

I'm nervous and excited at the same time to enter the room. Looking around as we enter, I see several men with long white coats walking around and plugging wires in.

The CEO introduces me to some scientists that work together with my father.

Dad shows me every small detail of the portal and explains how it works and that they send a capsule through the portal and try to find its signal. Apparently they have not yet made any contact to the capsule, that's why they try to reboot the system to find the signal. Although I like science I don't really understand how the portal works, some kind of technological and magnetic construction to open a breach or something like that. But I don't have to know what's going on, I don't have to work with it.

"I quickly have to check one of the monitors, I'll be right back. Please don't touch anything. Why don't you talk to Stephen over there?" Said Dad and pointed to one of the scientists near a controlling station.

I walk over to the man my dad called Stephen and just look what he's doing. After a few minutes I decided to sit down. Suddenly I'm being scared by some really loud sirens howling. When I look around I see how the portal started to glow. And the expressions on the scientists faces change from annoyed (probably because they don't find a signal) to completely panicked. I hear the scientists scream at each other and try to stop the portal but then I feel how I'm being pulled towards the portal. I feel a strong wind coming from the portal but my hair is pointing in the opposite direction. The more seconds pass, the harder it becomes to resist the pull. My whole body is pulled towards the portal as if someone put a huge magnet in my body and now activated the invisible magnet. I start to scream, scream for my father and mother; I'm so scared that I would die. I feel a hard bump on my head that knocks me over. I fell to the floor and that was the moment when my entire body was lifted off the ground and absorbed by the portal. I see my father running into the room and then, he was gone.

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