And indeed he did. I picked it up and started to walk out until I saw clothes and another note placed on a lounge chair.
And of course I had to go over to it.

I stood in front of the chair and bent down, grabbing the piece of paper

Thought you might wanna wear something a little more comfortable...

I looked down at my current outfit and totally agreed with the note. I tossed it aside and picked up what looked like proper pjs.

I nearly melted at the touch of them. The fabric was so soft and welcoming, and even warm. They felt so good against my skin, so plush. The bottoms were long flowy grey pants as the top was a simple loose v-neck.

This is too weird, but no way in hell am I passing these up

I walked over to the restroom and changed as quickly as I could.
I could practically fall asleep standing up in These things. Definitely the most comfortable clothes I have worn in my entire life.

"Breakfast" I said to myself as it popped back in my head.
I was starving and I didn't even realize till now.

I walked out of the room and began to make my way down the stairs.
I wanted to leave like I did last time. It was so weird that he kept doing this for me. Why would he? He barley knows me.

The smell is the only thing that kept me in this house. It was so welcoming and delicious. I could already tell.

I'm glad I remember from last time where the kitchen was because if I didn't, I would have definitely gotten lost again.

When I turned the corner to get into the kitchen, I was shocked to see a woman instead of Parker.
She had long thick brown hair that would have weighed me down. She was skinny but also fit. Her eyes were a mesmerizing brown that you could just get lost in.

"Hello dear. I hope you slept well"
Her voice was so soft and sweet. Hearing it made you immediately want to be her friend

"Uh-.. y-yeah I did. Thank you" I replied to her. I was a bit stunned.
This must be Parker's mom
It all made sense now. He looked just like her. The resemblance was incredible

"Oh. I see you found the clothes. Are they fitting you nicely? They were the smallest pair I could find"
I probably looked so dumb as I was just standing there. She paused from flipping a pancake as she fully turned towards me
"Oh please, take any seat you'd like. Breakfast is nearly finished."

I did as I was told and took a seat that placed me on the bar of the kitchen.
"Yes. They fit wonderfully. Thank you so much." I said, now knowing that she's probably the one who put the Advil and pjs in the room for me.

"Don't worry about it dear. It's my pleasure" she sent me a gentle smile as she began flipping more pancakes.
I looked around and saw tons of food. TONS

There were waffles, pancakes, crepes with chocolate/strawberries/ whipped cream, there were dozens of baked treats like cinnamon rolls and biscuits. Every jelly and jam known to man was placed neatly in a spinning wheel.

"Sorry for the clutter dear. I didn't know what you liked exactly. I guess I went a little overboard" she chuckled. Turning the stove off and looking at her food

"This is amazing. Thank you so much. You really didn't have to do this." I laughed, she was truly the most wonderful person on the planet

"Well. Let's dig in shall we!" Her chippy mood made the morning fantastic. I tried to get up but she stopped me and insisted that she make a plate for me.

I didn't want to argue so I told her to pack on tons of things. I normally don't eat. But it would be extremely rude of me if I didn't eat a single thing. Especially since she made this entire breakfast for me.

She brought both of our plates and sat down right next to me, placing my food next to my silverware
"So tell me your name dear"

"My names Athena M'am" I said. One of the things I remember my parents teaching me was to always say M'am and Sir.

"Oh please, non of that. Call me sandy."
I smiled shyly and nodded. Parker's mom was so nice. So how could she have raised Parker??

"Good morning honey. And who might this be?" A tall man walked into the kitchen and began making himself a plate of food as well.
His hair was a dark brown but his eyes were green. Definitely Parker's dad.

"This is Athena."

He walked over and reached his hand out for me to shake in which I gladly accepted
"Hello, I'm Jason. Parkers father."

I was truly astonished by his parents. We all talked and talked as we ate the breakfast. Although I wasn't hungry, I ate as much as I could. It was strange sitting down with them because they were his parents. But they were both so nice and loving.

Just as I was about to take the dirty dishes to the sink, a figure standing in the doorway caught my eye and stopped me from moving

"Why are you still here?"


I wish that happened every time I went over to someone's house. They are probably the nicest parents ever.

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