Chapter 7 - One just can't get enough of surprises

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                There was a loud swooshing of air blowing against the leaves of the trees, the floor was wet and the windows and walls were moist, the town's streets were empty. It was raining hard the past hours, literally hard, there were tiny droplets of ice during the storm surge. The sky was still dark but as king David wished for everyone's safety, he decided to leave early that day to check Storybrooke and the people. Together with other volunteers, he went to observe every house, every corner of the town and every curvature of the surrounding forests. They weren't sure what exactly they were looking for but they went on anyway. And by the time the sky was starting to brighten up, just few meters away from the toll bridge, they found a seemingly new cottage which wasn't even damp, it was completely dry, like the clouds chose not to pour out rain on that area alone.

"What could be in there?" Grumpy asked David in his normally angry tone.

David shushed him and replied, "That's what we're going to find out." He drew his sword out and quietly signaled the others to stay behind as he walked silently towards the hut. He examined the outside of the place, impossibly dry, he thought. And as he tried to unlock the door, it already swung open. It was dark inside, there was a single window to let just enough ray of sunlight in for David to see. His eyes moved left to right, rapidly surveying the scene. He had sensed no movement or any source of life and so he pulled out his flashlight to take a better look of the place. “Hey! Stop!!!” a woman shouted from outside. David got disrupted and when he was about to leave and check what was happening outdoor, from a corner, there he felt a sudden movement. He pointed out his flashlight and he saw a silhouette of a woman. He couldn’t believe his eyes but a few steps from him, crouching under the table, moving so lightly… was Zelena.


                He was looking at the woman beside him whose head firmly rests on his bare chest. Her make-up was smudged with her lipstick making its way across her lips to the corners of her mouth. He chuckled under his breath, God she’s so beautiful, he thought. He gently brushed her hair with his fingertips and put a lock of it behind her ears, revealing her angelic face in which she responded by pressing her cheek on his torso and extended her left arm to embrace him. She felt his skin under the blanket, his muscles lean and creases on his stomach emphasizing his abs. Her eyes were still closed but she smiled.

“Good morning milady,” Robin whispered into her ears and kissed her forehead.

Regina blushed, looked up and replied “Good morning.” She pulled herself upwards to level Robin’s face as she held the white blanket tightly dragging it up to cover herself. She leaned her head against his shoulder and he held her hand between his and together, they quietly watched the fire burning at the hearth in front of the bed, with their clothes and shoes just scattered on the bedroom floor.


                David found a new Zelena, weak, quiet, not the boasting Wicked Witch they used to know. He pulled her up and took her out with him and she didn’t resist, she was too frail to fight him, even powerless it seemed. And when the others saw her, they stood there frozen in fear, remembering how she had terrorized the town. But more than everyone else, Zelena should be the one to be scared. She should have been killed that very moment by Rumplestiltskin but for some unknown reasons, she escaped death that time and found her way to life. Maybe it’s her second chance as what Regina has told her. She was looking on the people who she had threatened and they were looking back at her, judging, questioning, wanting her locked away or even dead. She looked away and just watched her steps as David held her while they walked.

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