Wrong Idea {Request}

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Thank you for this amazing plot!

Minho's POV

Just ask him. Just ask him. Just ask him. I swallow hard, trying to hide the last of my nervousness.

"Hey, Newt," I say, tapping his shoulder.

He turns around in his desk chair, greeting me with a weak smile and an exhausted face. "Hi."

I stare at him for a moment, summoning my confidence. "Where were you last night?"


"Last night...Where were you?" I ask again, hesitantly, "We were supposed to go on a date, but you never showed up."

He looks away from me. "Oh, really? I thought that was next week. Sorry."

"It's fine." It's not. This isn't the first time that he has done this. We became an official couple a few months ago, but he has stood me up on almost every date, since. Because of this, I have barely been planning anything for us. I just hoped that maybe last night would be different.


"Obviously he's cheating on you," Ben says, stealing a strawberry from my lunch.

"What?" I scoff, pissed, though not so much at him as at the circumstances, "No way."

"Sorry, dude," Thomas says, shooting me a sympathetic glance, "But Ben's right. That's the only logical reason."

"Whatever. Like you guys are romance experts." I look away from the lunch table, pouting a bit to myself, because, in all honesty, they are probably right. Why else would Newt miss so many dates with me? And he looked so tired when I spoke to him, so he must have been out all night. Out with somebody else.

"Who do you think it is?" Ben asks me, after a moment. He's obviously set on being a absolute Richard, today (A/N: I hope that someone understands that lol).

I shrug half-heartedly.

"Maybe Alby?" Thomas offers, as though he thinks that I want to know, "They hang out a lot in the lessons that you aren't in."

"Thanks, Thomas." I say—with the upmost sarcasm, of course—and sigh.

"Don't listen to Tom," Teresa insists, quickly, "They're just friends. People get a certain look in their eyes when they're with someone that they like like. Newt only has that for you, as far as I can tell."

I want to believe her, but I think that she's only trying to make me feel better.

"What are you going to do about it?" Thomas questions me.

"I dunno. What could I do?"

"Ask him out on a date tonight," Gally starts, speaking for the first time since we all sat down to eat, "Then follow him home from school, see where he goes, and continue to follow him all night."


I glance at Thomas, who furrows his eyebrows into a disgusted grimace. "That sounds psychotic."

Gally glares at Thomas. The two of them honestly can't stand each other, so I'm use to them having at least one dispute every lunch period, but I figured that there wouldn't be one today, as Gally is being unusually quiet.

"Well, What would you do, genius?"

"I dunno," Thomas says, "Maybe pretend to break up with him, see how he reacts, then say it's Opposite Day."

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