Screens {Part One}

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{Newt is 19, recently graduated from school; Minho is 18, soon to graduate}

"Is your child in danger of online predators?" droned the news reporter on the television, "Stay tuned for ten signs that they are."

Miss Isaacs scoffed, turning to her son.
"Your generation is doomed. Thank God that you never use that phone of yours."

Newt chuckled uncomfortably.
"Yeah," he lied, "I don't understand the appeal."

"Good. You're a smart boy. A lot of these kids are out there thinking that they have met the love of their life on their phones. Then they go to really meet their Romeo, and they get kidnapped by a fifty year old creep who was posing to be their age."

Newt nodded, pretending that he agreed with the 'nonsense' of online friendships.

"Goodness, Newt, you look exhausted," Miss Isaacs commented as Newt stifled a yawn, "You should go to bed."

"Do I? Alright, then, I will," He said, casually, "Goodnight."

But when he got upstairs, he couldn't hide his excited smile. He was always very tired, and while his mother fussed that he must have a terribly weak immune system, the truth was that he stayed awake almost all night, every night, on his phone.

No, he didn't squander his time playing Candy Crush or watching YouTube, but rather talking with his boyfriend. Regardless of what his mother said about internet relationships being scams, Newt would never doubt the connection that he had with Minho.

Newt sat down in his bed, powered up his phone, which he had turned off, as usual, in case Minho texted while he was with his mother. As it turned, it began to ding with previous notifications.

Minho: hi

Minho: hello

Minho: newt

Minho: ??

Minho: answer

Newt couldn't help but to smile as he kept reading.

Minho: are u eating dinner?

Minho: wait no. what time is it there? 10pm?

Minho: it's 6:03am here

Minho: and guess what? ive been awake for two shucking hours bc my mom wanted me to come with her to my grandmas

Minho: but now theyre cooking breakfast and wont even let me in the kitchen

Minho: im bored



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