The Beginning of the Dark World

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Loki was marched in the middle of several guards. He had golden chains on his feet, his neck, wrists, and his hips, and he walked slowly just to annoy them. Odin stared at him, he could feel the mixed emotions radiating off him.

"Loki," Said a calming voice, he looked over to see Frigga standing there, she had been crying and he knew it.

"Hello Mother," He said, "Have I made you proud?"

"Please... don't make this worse." She begged.

"Define worse." Loki's voice grew deep and rather intimidating.

"Enough." Odin's angry tone filtered through the brief conversation and Loki looked up at his 'Father'. "I will speak to the prisoner alone." Frigga gave Loki one more look, than turned and departed. Her clicking shoes the only sound.

He walked forward only a small bit when they stopped, so he did, and he rounded around his feet and clicked the chains around his ankles loudly. It echoed around. Jokingly he stood up rigid and straight, a ripple of laughter came from him and he bent just slightly, his feet seperating.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about." Said Loki, putting his hands forward. He honestly knew exactly what was going to happen. Odin's knuckles turned white with anger as Loki said this.

"Do you truly not see the gravity of your crimes?" Odin asked, "Wherever you go there is war, ruin, and death." 

"I went down to Midgaurd to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent God..." Loki said evilly, "Just like you." Odin shook his head at him, and Loki gave a great smile. 

"We are not Gods. We and born, we live, we die, just as humans do." Loki tossed his head a couple of times softly.

"Give or take five thousand years." 

"All this because Loki desires the throne." Odin said, taunting him.

"It is my birthright." Loki said staring at him, hatred coarsing through his being as he looked at Odin. Odin leaned forward.

"Your birthright-was to die!" Yelled the King, "As a child, cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me." Loki stepped forward to the surprise of the guards and they tugged a small bit on the chains. 

"If I am for the axe than for mercy's sake.. just, swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just...I don't love them." Loki said, and he was ready to spit as much hatred from his mouth that he could to get the axe.

"Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days, in the dungeon." The Guards tugged harshly on the chains. Loki felt stabbed even though he knew something like this was to be said, but he stood his ground after being dragged back a small bit.

"And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf King while I rot in chains?" Loki asked.

"Thor must strive to undo the things you have done, he will bring order to the Nine Realms," Two hands slapped Loki's shoulders, "And then yes. He will be King." Loki was dragged to the Dungeons it seemed though he walked on his own. 


A great battle took place in Vanaheim. Many people had fallen on both sides of the battle and many who were not fighting ran screaming in terror, praying that someone did not smite them. Sif attacked one, her hair flying in front of her eyes as she did a spin attack. She struggled but would never admit so. 

One giant beam of light came from the sky, and Thor landed in front of an enemy, Sif raised her shield to protect herself from it, and Mjolnir flew hitting an enemy. It stopped its fly and came back to Thor, he bounded and jumped up with a mighty roar crashing Mjolnir on the ground and causing lightning to kill several attackers. After he stood up for a minute.

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