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Loki read again, his book was only so comforting. The memories seemed to flood heavily to him, and they shoved him down. To him, everyone had wings. His were plucked at birth, and for many years they were bound. For such a short time, the only thing that allowed him to regain his flight was assisting the Chatuari and he had power. But now, his wings seemed rebound, and plucked naked so he could only wait for the feathers to return slowly. His eyes stung, and his face was hot but no more tears came that day. He was out of them.

The Prince dropped his head, and closed his eyes. Another memory came to his mind.

Loki hung from the scepter, Thor being held just barely by Odin. He looked around madly for anything else he could grip onto, to pull himself up and face whatever punishment would come to him. Thor looked at him with large eyes, his breathing terribly heavy. The Frost Giant stared past him at Odin, the man he saved from death, who now held his own life in his hand it seemed.

"I could have done it father! I could have done it! For you! ...For all of us!" He yelled, and tears streamed down the sides of his face, Odin took a breath.

"No Loki," Odin said to him. Loki felt like a dagger had been stuck through his back and his front, his strength wained. He looked at his hand.

"Loki no!" Yelled his brother. 'Don't you dare!' Screamed Thor's eyes.. He knew what he was going to do. He knew he was going to let go. Loki looked at his father and his brother again. Then he looked back at his hand , a fresh wave of tears fell into the great abyss behind him.

Loki let go. His body fell.

"Nooooo!" Screamed Thor, Loki looked at Odin. His mouth didn't move, he didn't say anything.

They couldn't save him. After all, what was left to save? A raven haired, green-eyed, trickster Frost Giant?

He turned his back on them and fell. His heart shattered inside his chest.

Odin watched him fall, same as Thor.

Loki could only imagine how Frigga and Sigyn must have taken the news. Hopefully Sigyn had been informed he still lived, he hoped she knew and that she was waiting for him to return. His heart was heavy. He stood up.

"GUARD!" He yelled, his voice was terrible to hear echo through the downstairs. One man came to him.

"Yes?" Asked the man, his voice was like Heimdel's, though not quite as old sounding.

"Do you have any form of music?"

"Why would you request this?"

"The silence in here is dreadfully loud and I need something to listen to instead of it. Find something that can produce it, send down Stark or Banner someone who can show me how to work it so I'm not filled with so much quiet." The guard rolled his eyes as he turned around with a sigh and went to do as told.

Almost an hour past, and both Stark-who was holding a laptop- and Banner stood outside the bars now. Slowly they opened it, with great reluctance. Loki sat on his bed, reading, he looked up at them.

"I heard the Rock of Ages wants music. I've got many songs you'd like to listen to."

"Oh good, music and friends." Said Loki sarcastically, Bruce gave a small smile and Tony gave his over-confident grin. Both of them saw no place to sit other then the bed so Loki sat in the middle of the two of them. It was greatly warm, but he was happy to have someone with him after all the silence he was used to.

Bruce put on his glasses even though he wouldn't truly need them, and Tony logged onto the computer, typing rather fast and opening up a thing called the 'Internet'. He typed in a something called: Mumford and Sons. Several things popped up on the screen and Loki looked at it with a confused smile.

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