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Theres a knock at the curtin and Loki stops his pacing and turns to see a curious Bruce.

"I- I've thought about your proposal...." Banner says rubbing his neck.

Loki smirks. Banner walks in and to Loki's suprise, Tony follows.

"I've heard you can do some voodoo magic shit, Reindeer Games." Tony mused.

Loki smirked and swiftly transformed into a stunning woman with raven black hair and green eyes.

"Oh you have now?" She purred.

"Holy shi-" Stark was cut off by Loki pressing her lips to his. Tony moans but breaks the kiss.

"But first," He reaches into his back pocket, "these. " He holds up 4 small packages.

"What in Odin's name is that?" She questioned.

"Condoms." Tony whispered against the skin on her neck. Loki raised her eyebrows.

"And what are they for?"

"Sex without worry of pregnancy." Bruce said, Tony nodded.

"Many many nights I've used these things. So hold on a second." Loki sighed and sat on the bed, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back using her arms as a hold. Waiting for them to put these Condoms on.

"Hurry up!" She said, finally they turned around, stark naked and she removed her own clothes. She kissed Banner's lips first.

Tony whispered something to Bruce and he nodded.

"Tag I'm it. " Bruce said softly and laid down Loki. Loki spread her legs and Bruce positioned himself then slid in. Loki let out a moan. Bruce started to thrust slowly back and forth. Sweat trickled down his brows as he began to thrust faster.

Loki tossed her head and neck back, Bruce gently kissed her neck, stroking her cheek.

Tony sat on the end of the bed, they heard him pleasuring himself. And eventually Bruce looked up at him, the Iron Man cursed softly when he looked at him.

"Tag!" Bruce moved away, removing himself. Loki propped herself up using her arms. She closed her legs as Stark climbed atop her.

"Okay what the fuck?" Asked Tony.

"Oh nothing just that you seem mighty happy to be doing this!" She spread her legs again and grabbed Tony's shoulders.

Loki lifted her hips and moved Tony's member to her entrance. She slowly lowered herself on to it and began to move up and down.

Tony gasped aloud, and Bruce watched. Loki kissed him now.

Bruce tapped Tony's shoulder.

"Tag." Tony gave an annoyed look, than moved away. Bruce took Loki and had her sit on his lap, she held onto his shoulders.

"Okay now what are you-" Bruce kissed her lips.

After all was said and done, Loki had quite had her fill. Tony snuggled her back, and she clasped onto Bruce. Laying her head right on his hairy chest.

"My god," Tony said, "You are the fucking Rock of Ages."

"Mmhmm," She mumbled. "Its almost time for you two to go to Shwarma is it not?"

"How did you- Bruce you ass." Tony growled. Bruce smirked, and pulled off his filled condom.

"But Tony she is right we do have to go." Slowly Loki morphed back, hips;chest;thighs all smoothing out again.

"Yes. Now go and take those repulsive things with you." Said Loki, his voice even normal.

"Astounding how quickly you can do that." Said Bruce, as he redressed.

Loki's affairsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz