83 : Victory and Defeat

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget. Aerial Ace takes some time to attack." Skyla replies.

Both Delia and Grace gulp as they look back to the battlefield.

(Back in the Battlefield)

Everyone is looking here and there but to no avail as there is no sign of the Pokemon. Suddenly a flash of pink and a flash of maroon red is seen in the sky. They clash with each other and vanish. The moment they clash they release a harsh ringing sound which forces everyone to cover their ears.

Soon nothing but slashes of pink and maroon can be seen in the sky. Spectators watch with awe as they are too paralyzed to move from their seats.

(in the VIP Box)

"Argh." Lance says as he clamps his ears shut with his hands.

"What is this excruciating ringing sound?" Cynthia says as she too covers her ears with her face bearing a pained expression.

"They must be flying at supersonic speed. Which is why when they are clashing they are releasing vibrations which may very well burst our eardrums." Sycamore replies.

"That was a rhetoric question Sycamore. We don't have time for a learning curve here." Diantha snaps back as the Pokemon keep clashing and the bullet proof glass keeps developing more and more cracks.

( In the Battlefield )

Everyone watches as the 2 Pokemon clash. It's almost as if 2 katanas of pink and maroon colors are slashing away at each other. Suddenly Charizard falls back right in front of Ash.

"Get back up Charizard. Don't tell me you're going soft." Ash says. Charizard get up, roars and then flies back right into the sky. A few clashes later Sylveon is smashed in front of Serena.

"Don't you dare let up." Serena says as Sylveon gets back up and then again takes back into the sky.

After a few more clashes a huge explosion takes place. A few moments later Charizard and Sylveon land back in front of their trainers while staring down at each other. All the spectators sit back upright in their seats while rubbing the side of their heads to relieve the headache of the before experienced sonic torture session.

Ash and Serena are panting heavily with their hands on their knees. Their clothes are ripped in several places. There are a few cuts and gashes on their hands and forehead. But their expressions show no sign of giving up. They take a deep breath and stand back upright.

"Bulk Up." Ash commands.

"Sword Dance." Serena orders as well.

"Use Shadow Claw." Serena commands hoping to push Ash on the defensive.

"Fury Attack." Ash commands. Another round of explosion start going off. The spectators once again grip their seats in order to not fall of due to the intense shaking which commences once again.

(In the VIP Box)

"We need to stop them. At this rate the stadium will be destroyed." Diantha says.

"Cynthia. Your ears are bleeding." Goodshow says in a concerned tone.

"Don't worry Mr. Goodshow I can hear just fine." Cynthia replies while smiling weakly.

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