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"where are we going? it's been more than an hour?"
i ask, getting a little scared that he's going to kidnap me or something.

"you'll have to find out when we get there."
he said every time i asked.

"oh my god! just tell me!"
i say, getting annoyed.

he popped the p.

after around ten minutes, tyler drives into a parking lot for a gas station.

"we really came all this way for a gas station!"
i looked around the place that we were  at and we were in the middle of nowhere.

"no. i just thought that since we've been in the car for a while, that we should stretch our legs. and i have to go pee. both are very unhealthy if you don't do by the way."
he says getting out of the car.

i smile while shaking my head, following him into the gas station.

he gives me fifty dollars.

"go get something to eat and drink and stuff."
he says, before i could tell him that i could pay for my own stuff, he was already running to the bathroom.

i look around the candy isle, trying to find stuff to get.

i scan all the shelf's for some diabetes in a bag.

i came across a Hershey's bar.

i remember when tyler and i first met, i asked him what his favorite candy was, he said Hershey's.

so i grab three Hershey bars.

i look on another isle, finding something that i would really like.

i come across skittles. the sour kind.

i whispered excitedly to myself.

i pick up two packs of those and then go to the drink section.

i easily find the root beers and take two.

now that i have all the cancerous stuff, i should probably not waste anymore of tyler's money.

i go to the worker, dumping all the sugary stuff on the counter.

"will that be all miss?"
the worker asked, looking at all the stuff on the counter then to me.

"yeah, i think."
i say smiling.

"did your boyfriend break up with you or are you on your period?"
she asked.

i looked down to my feet, blushing from embarrassment.

"no, actually i'm with my boyfriend right now, we're going on a road trip."
i say, slowly forcing my eyes to look up at hers.

"oh. ok."
she said with a weird look on her face.

"that will be 36.78."
she said.

i quickly gave her the fifty dollar bill.

without looking her in the eyes, i grabbed the extra money and took all the bags filled with candy and went to tyler's car.

where the hell is he? it's been like twenty minutes.

i played some music on the six cord for a bit. after like five songs, he finally came into the car.

he looked different. he did something with his hair and it made him look even cuter.

"why the hell did it take you so long to use the bathroom?"
i grin at him.

"that's private information."
he said, starting the car up.


after a few more hours in the car, tyler stopped at a hotel.

"welcome to florida!"
he said making jazz hands.

"excuse me?"
i say doubtful.

"tomorrow we're going to Disneyland."
he said with a smile.

"wait?! really?!"
i say, freaking the fuck out.

"hell yeah."
he said, getting out of the car.

"but what about clothes and stuff?"
i ask.

"your boss said that you guys are the same size in clothes so she said to just take some of hers, so it wouldn't be weird for me to ask for some of your clothes with me not giving away the surprise."
he opened the trunk and their was three suit cases.

"how long will we be staying here for?"
i ask.

"a week."
he stated.

"how the hell can you afford that now?"
i didn't think he was rich.

"i have my ways."
he says, taking all the suit cases out.

"well, what are we waiting for? let's go to our hotel room!"
he says, speed walking to the hotel with the three suit cases.


i'm not going to lie, the hotel was amazing.

it was the best hotel i have ever been in.

the only thing i was wondering was how tyler could afford all this?

once we got to the hotel room, tyler and i set everything up. we took some of the clothes out of the suit cases and put them in a small closet.

we put the toothbrushes inside the bathroom mirror.

and got everything ready for bed.

of course there was two beds. we aren't in that level of the relationship yet. we have only kissed once.

"well, i'm ready to go swimming!"
tyler says, jumping on his bed.


i know it takes like fifteen hours to go from ohio to florida, but in the sake of the fanfic, pretend it only takes like five hours or something.

don't huRt me pLz

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