His room

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"Lance buddy open up," Hunk said knocking on the door to his best friends room.

"Yeah, c'mon man. Let us in,"Pidge tried cracking jokes, but he didn't answer. Not a single noise came from that dark room.

"Look if you don't want us around right now we understand. We'll be back later to bring you some food, okay?" Hunk shook his head tugging Pidge away from the door. "Let's give him some space. Maybe he'll let us in later," He whispered trudging to the kitchen.

"If he doesn't open that door I'm hacking the castle controls." Pidge muttered crossing her arms a worried scowl puffing her cheeks. "Keith went to far today. I think the lack of sleep is making him grumpier then usual."

Hunk nodded in agreement and set the table for dinner. "Yeah...Lance never really mentioned his soulmate. He would always change the subject or crack a joke. You think this is why?"

"I'm not sure. Lance isn't as easy to read as I thought, " Pidge mumbled. "He flirts so much I assumed that he would live for that kind of thing. The romance, the mystery but, this whole situation probably made him more afraid. I don't know what's going to happen between them."

Rejecting a soulmate wasn't unheard of but it came with side effects. Glassy eyes, lack of sleep, night terrors, and in extreme cases, death.

As the two chatted about random things Shiro arrived at the table; a deep frown carved into his tired face. "Lance didn't open up for you either, huh, " Hunk raised his eyebrow.

"No, not even an answer."

Silence settled over the three as the princess and Coran entered the room. "Is everything alright paladins? You seem stressed, " Coran asked.

"Yes, and where are Keith and Lonce?" The princess added.

"Keith is Lances soul mate, " Pidge mumbled through a mouthful of goo.

"Oh, I see." Allura giggled.

"Keith also punched Lance, which, wiped off the makeup that covered Lances Mark."Hunk grumbled serving himself.

"All of our fuses are short with the lack of sleep," Shiro said with another yawn.

"I see," she corrected her tone serious. They continued to explain as they ate Coran interjecting with his own upset remarks now and then. As the story was finished an awkward silence buzzed over the long table.

Keith stumbled in moments later his eyes downcast. "He won't talk to me..." he says placing himself in the seat next to Shiro.

"That's funny," Hunk said. "You didn't seem to like listening to him earlier."

"It was my fault Lance had to start shooting. While I was hacking the main frame I accidentally engaged a couple of the sentries. I tried to turn them off but they had some sort of override key I couldn't access in time,"Pidge groaned sleepily. "But, you wouldn't know that because you cut him off when ever he tried to explain."

"What do I do?" Keith whispered.

"Apologize," Hunk told him eyes staring deeply into Keith's own. "Tell him you're sorry. Make him believe you want to start over. He's supposed to be your true love. The one person who will never leave you."

"That is so cheesy!" pidge snickers. "But it's true. my mom and dad used to tell me stories. When a pair gets close the can actually feel each other's emotions. their life force. it's pretty cool stuff."

"How can say I'm sorry if he won't let me in?"

"Keith," Shiro began his hands resting flat on the table. "You insulted him and shoved him around He's going to need some space."

The team nodded eating the rest of their food in silence. When they finished Keith went to bed the princess and Coran going with him as they brainstormed ideas. This Left Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge to try reaching Lance again.

"Lance? Buddy? are you hungry?" Hunks questions were gentle as he knocked against the door.

"No." the answer was short and tense but at least he was talking.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes." A lie.

"Do you wanna talk?"

"No." Another lie.

"Are you sure you're feeling better?"


"Do you need a hug?"


Hunk smiled, "Can I come in?"

"No, I-I'm okay. I just want to be alone," Lance did not sound ok. His voice was shaking, and rough. Each word cracked as if he hadn't spoke in years. His breathing was sparatic more like a pant than a breath.

"Lance? I need you to open this door," Hunk told him sternly he was done asking. Lance needed someone. He wasn't going to let his friend bottle these feelings.

"No thank you," Lance mumbled.

"Pidge hack it," Hunk looked over at the silent Green and black paladins beside him who shared his worried glances.

"No, thank you." Lance mumbled again his words fading as they assumed he walked away.

"I'm opening the door," Pidge confirmed her fingers already flying over her tablet.

After about five doboshes the door to Lances room was open. Hunk gasped. It was destroyed. Lances art pad was full of pictures some of the pages were torn out and scattered throughout the room. His desk chair was on its side. Photos had been turned over of thrown in the trash. Lance had even thrown his favorite sweater across his bed where it tangled with the blankets and pillows.

"This isn't good," Pidge murmured her eyes flickering around the room.

"What's the big deal? It looks a little messy, so do most bedrooms for kids your age." Shiro raised an eyebrow turning through the pages of the sketch book.

"Lance only draws when he's anxious or upset. And last I checked that book was brand new." Pidge explained.

"Not to mention Lance is a neat freak. His mom taught him to keep everything in place and He can't stand messy spaces. I even thought he had a little bit of OCCD." Hunk ran his fingers through his hair.

Lances bathroom was open displaying his vanity covered in different concealers and makeup. All containers open and recently used.

Lance wasn't in his bed or in his shower. he was actually sat with his back to a corner. His knees pulled up to his chest as his red eyes watched them. "I said no thank you." He mumbled against his arms.

He looked worse than he sounded. His hair was a messy and his makeup was sloppy. His clothes were on backwards or inside out. His lion slippers were separated and thrown around his room.

Chunks of armor had been polished but discarded in the bottom of his closet. His lips were raw from how many times he'd chewed them. His blue eyes were dull and wet. His nose was dripping and where Keith had hit him the rainbow was swollen and almost mocking.

"Buddy, come here," Hunk opened his arms and within seconds Lance was hugging him.

"What did I do wrong?" He whispered tears falling slowly. "He's going to reject me I know it.... he hates me, god I hate him."

The rant was flowing like word vomit. An endless sea of anxiety. When he stopped muttering Shiro and Pidge joined him on the bed. Hunk held out the food but Lance pushed it away.

"Hey relax," Pidge told him.

"When was the last time you ate?" Shiro had taken the plate from Hunks hands and was trying to place it in Lances own shaking messes.

"I don't know. Yesterday maybe? I'm not hungry right now. I just need to think."

"Why don't you take a shower and put on some clean clothes then we'll talk." Hunk pulled the teen to his feet as Pidge grabbed him some clothes.

"Okay,"Lance was done fighting. Crying had drained him. He would shower then maybe they could skip talking. Sleep sounded nice...

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