6. Yes, bat kid is my little brother!

Start from the beginning

Okay, I KNOW my new pants were five sizes too BIG.

But they're SUPPOSED to be baggy!

I was like, "Dad, you're kidding me! Right?!"

A father and son sharing pants?!

Sorry! But that's just . . . WRONG on so many levels!

The final straw was my little brother, Oliver.

I saved up my own money for an entire year and finally managed to buy a pair of AIR JORDAN sneakers!

I totally lost it got really annoyed when the little brat trashed them with a permanent black marker!!!

Apparently, Oliver is just starting to learn his ABCs. But he obviously DOESN'T quite have the hang of it yet. . . .

Is it just me, or are all those frowny faces Oliver drew on my shoes possibly a sign of some underlying emotional problem that will manifest itself during his teen years?

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Is it just me, or are all those frowny faces Oliver drew on my shoes possibly a sign of some underlying emotional problem that will manifest itself during his teen years?

I think our pastor is a little worried about him too. Like me, Oliver is into superheroes. But he's taken it A LOT further than I EVER did! . . .

"So, do we have any visitors today? Um

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"So, do we have any visitors today? Um . . . Okay, I see we have one . . . !" The pastor said.

Of course, all the kids (and a few of the dads) were really excited to see what they thought was a real, live superhero sitting in the front row.

So when the service was over, there was actually a line of fans wanting to take selfies with Oliver.

Sorry, but it's NOT easy being BAT KID's brother!

Anyway, by the time the first day of school rolled around, I just wasn't feeling those new clothes anymore.

But can you blame me? My family had taken all the COOLNESS out of my back-to-school style. And completely KILLED IT!

I was so FRUSTRATED with the whole situation that I just DUMPED them in one of those clothing bins at the local Goodwill.

THEM meaning my clothes!

NOT my FAMILY! . . .

Although, to be honest, I was so TICKED OFF at my family that I seriously considered dumping THEM into that clothing bin too

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Although, to be honest, I was so TICKED OFF at my family that I seriously considered dumping THEM into that clothing bin too. . . .

Maybe one day I'll try wearing some hip-hop gear again

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Maybe one day I'll try wearing some hip-hop gear again.

But it's definitely going to be AFTER I put a dead bolt lock on my bedroom door.

Hey, I love my family as much as the next guy.

And by "love," I mean that 49% of the time I DON'T want to punch them in the face.

But don't get it twisted!

I'm just NOT into sharing my pants and stuff with them.

Sorry, that's just too . . . WEIRD!!

Ok guys, thank's for reading!! Tell me in the comments on how the story is!

(Btw plz check out my other stories!!)

Remember to vote, tell your friend's about this story, and to have a good morning/afternoon/night!!

653 words

Max Crumbly x Female Reader "Locker Hero"Where stories live. Discover now