The Bad Boy

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I woke up just like any ordinary day. I got dressed and did my hair as usual, and my brother Corbyn gave me a lift to school. This was any normal day for me. But what I'm about to tell you is so unusual, I can't tell anyone because no one will believe me. Not even my best friend Amelia.

As Corbyn drove to the school gates, I got out of the car and walked over to Amelia. "Hey" I say to her, and she replies with "hey han". As we were walking towards the school doors, she broke the silence. "Have you saw niall yet? Everyone is saying that he has a crush on someone.." I look at her in disbelief. She knows how much this will effect me, as I have had a crush on him since reception. "Any ideas who?" I reply to her and she just shakes her head. I try to brush it off and try and get it out of my mind but I can't. Alls I can do is keep questioning myself, who is it? Is it me? . But I guess I will never know the answers.

We finally arrived in the school hallway where our lockers where. Amelia's was further away from her, so this meant I was at my locker. Alone. As I finish putting my books in my locker, I feel someone with a tight, strong, muscular grip grab my waist and drag me into the dark, unseeable janitors closet. I look up to see who it was and my eyes met the Breathtaking Ocean blue eyes of....

R O C K     M E    (A Niall Horan smut) Where stories live. Discover now