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Keith start to grow more use to things but the next time he fought lotor it changed his life.

Keith and the other were fighting lotor and his generals but during it Shiro shouted" go away half breeds "and lotor said "isn't one of your palladian an half breed "

"What" yell the leader 

"Well half breed could mean Keith could be half any species "yell lance 

Everyone nodded but lotor said "why does he have a marmora knife isn't it only member or descents of blades have it "

"He grew up with his father who was human and when he died I look after him and I never saw blood lust "yell Shiro

"Really never because I heard he put a sword to a throat for a threat so what will happen when he need something to threat us with ? one of my generals "said lotor 

Everyone start to yell at Voltron and run toward them as if they were garla and Shiro yell "everyone send your lions somewhere and run to there "

Everyone sent their lions away and pidge and Keith run the same way which was good since they weren't close so there wasn't a problem to leave the other behind for the team.

Keith was faster then pidge and she was falling behind so Keith went back and ask if she want to go on his back which she want to see how fast he was with someone on his back so pidge was on Keith back for the rest of the way but as soon as they got to the lions they were people around them and Keith let pidge down and said "keep the other safe "

"What" said pidge 

"Stay down and as soon as I am far enough run to the lion and tell red to follow please pidge" said Keith 

"Okay but I will find you again" said pidge 

"Okay" smile Keith 

Pidge duck and Keith run down another alley and yell "hey "

They turn and run after Keith and as soon as they were far enough pidge ran to green and said to "red follow us "and they left 

6th general (kezor)Where stories live. Discover now