chapter 4 arena part 2

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when they got there keith stayed with ezor so ezor pick the seats she didnt seem to mind the others getting treated like royal and her being treated like dirt it seems this is the life of someone in the garla empire who loves life too much. ezor seated in the inside and smile and keith sat next to her and smile back and the match begin 

after the match 

keith never thought he would enjoy it  which he did and even shouted with  ezor when the changller  was going to hit a weak spot.

"that was fun" laugh ezor as they were walking out 

"yeah are we not going to wait for the other" smile keith 

"oh i never do they unsal talk to zarkon or hagger or both so i dont stick around since i am too fun loving" smile ezor 

"you remind me of lance but he does firlt alot so in the fun loving part but hey you should love your life you never know what will happen" smile keith looking at ezor 

ezor stop and ask "so its best to do things now" 

keith stop and smile "yep "

ezor walk over to keith and smile then as reaching up said "if that the case "

"what" said keith trying not to blush

ezor kiss keith and keith kiss back but when they stop they saw everyone was looking at them 

"this cannt get wost right" ask ezor then lotor yell "akria seruisly "

"run" ask keith still blushing

"yep" smile ezor as she took keith hand and they ran and once they were far away they laugh 

"lotor face" laugh ezor 

"you saw it" laugh keith 

"yep didnt you" laugh ezor 

"no" laugh keith 

they keep laughing for awhile then they look at eachother and keith said "so you like me "

ezor blushed and said "maybe" 

keith smile and said "so thats a yes" 

"fine yes it is so what "yell ezor 

keith kiss ezor and said "because i feel the same but different sides remember so we cannt date" 

"yeah i know" frown ezor 

"secret friends until the war is over and if we still have those feeling then maybe we can catch up" smile keith 

"but you said you dont know the furtue holds " said ezor 

"true but i will make sure you are alive and i am sure you are able to fight for yourself so please" smile keith 

"fine "sigh ezor 

"can i go back to the others now "smile keith 

"you have to be fast to get to the escape pods but i am sure we will make it" smile ezor 

so they made it to the pad and ezor left keith where they left and keith walk back to the others and got an leture but keith didnt care he had fun and that was what matter and a kiss from ezor 

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