10) Gregorius Anastasia

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Ft. Draco and Lily

Draco's POV
We thundered through the halls and came to the gargoyle that was McGonagall's office and showed her the book and the royal document, and when she used magic she easily identified the brown fibre from Lil's bracelet to be David's.

Minnie believed us anyway and we stalked down to the DADA room and up the steps leading to his office, however, he was not in there when we stormed in. Pansy and Hermione rummaged through his desk and cabinets but found nothing of importance.

Blaise looked around. "If he's not here, then where could he be?"

Harry and I glanced across the room at each other. "Lily."

We all bolted out the door, Minnie running along after us as fast as she could. We ran down hallways, students pressing themselves up against the wall, as the group ran up the stairs and towards the hospital wing. We burst through the doors to see Crabbe bleeding from cuts on his face and arms on the floor unconscious and Pansy was hit across the back of the head, falling to the floor as we came in.

David turned to us, eyes full of hatred and vengeance. Lily was floating in the air, just out of our reach. We immediately pulled out our wands and started duelling him, trying to get around him to get closer to Lily.

David snarled as he whipped and slashed his wand through the air, using fancy footwork to dodge spells and he cast some nasty ones of his own. The glass in the windows burst at how angry he was and how bad the fight was getting. Harry and I seemed to realise at the same time that this man was a Mage. The room seemed to darken as he sent a dangerous spell towards Amelia, Blaise stepped in front of her and blocked it.

"Now!" I demanded and we all pointed our wands at him yelling Expelliamus, Reducto, Sectrumsptra!

The wizard, however, put up a block so powerful it deflected all the spells and we jumped out of the way to dodge them. McGonagall arrived flicking her wands in curves and ways I didn't know existed and that's when Gregory looked like he was struggling. Lily started falling from the air, as his concentration broke.

There was a deafening scream and a force field erupted from Amelia, like a banshee. We were all knocked off our feet and for a second our gaze was on her as she was the only one standing in the room. Her head was thrown back, mouth wide open. She stumbled back a little, regaining her balance with the help of Blaise and looked past us to Goyle, who had caught Lily as she fell.

Ron and Dean helped Minnie up and we turned and stood around David. A large piece of glass was lodged in the pit of his stomach and Harry raised his wand. "Wait," I ordered and turned to Hermione. "Do you have any Veritaserum?"

She put her hand in the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out a small vial of it. I took it and dripped three drops into a weak David's mouth. Minnie turned to the door as a group of students started gathering round outside. "Madame Pomfrey! Let her through. Horace! Clear the hall, get everyone into the Great Hall." The nurse managed through the crowd of students.

She floated Crabbe and Pansy onto beds and flicked her wand the glass coming out of their wounds and the cuts healing. Lily was gently floated back onto her bed and the nurse rushed around trying to assess her old and new injuries.

I turned back to asshole on the floor in front of me, the potion kicking in. "What was your purpose of teaching here at Hogwarts?" McGonagall asked. "Tell us everything."

The wizard tried to struggle against the potion but he had to give in. "To find Lily Potter."

"What were you going to do with her?" Harry asked.

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