17) You Did Fail It For What? Three Years?

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Ft. Lily and Luna studying

Lily's POV
"Ewww." I groaned, flopping down on to one of the couches in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione sliding to the floor beside me. For once she looked like she was as miserable as everyone else doing exams, with her tired sunken eyes and frizzled hair sticking in all directions but for once I couldn't blame her. Every part of my body ached, I had a thumping headache and I was completely drained of all energy. 

My brain had been overloaded with tons of useless information I'd probably never need ever again and staying up until three in the morning just going over summary notes didn't help. Nastily Exhausting was the right name for them. Of course, having just gotten married and been on my honeymoon which lasted a month, I hadn't properly prepared for N.E.W.T.s and cramming three weeks beforehand didn't do much.

Harry, Ron and Draco walked in, carrying cups of hot chocolate, and takeaway boxes of steaming strudel. Hermione and I instantly perked up, lunging for the boxes of food once they were in reach and devouring the delicious contents. Each exam went for four and a half hours, meaning we missed lunch but the House Elves were happy to make us food afterwards but what could beat your boyfriend bringing you strudel?

Harry laughed and flopped down next me, stealing Draco's seat, who didn't look too happy about it, as he sat in the single couch. Ron joined Hermione on the floor. "These are so good," I mumbled through my stuffed mouth, yeah Beauxbatons really rubbed off on me. "Thank you." I kissed my brother affectionately on the cheek.

He grinned and shrugged. "No big deal, it was Ginny's idea, she knows how burnt-out you guys are."

I moaned, enjoying this apple-pie. "Remind me to thank her, she's a lifesaver." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ron wipe at the corner of Hermione's mouth, wiping away a bit of hot-chocolate froth. She blushed, looking down at her lap. They. Are. Soooooooo adorable.

"When's your last exam, babe?" Draco asked, leaning back into the couch.

"It's the first session on Friday, the last day."

"What exam is it?" Ron piped up.

"Arithmancy, it's the hardest one and the one I want to crack. When's your last, Hermione?"

She sighed in contempt. "Tomorrow afternoon, History of Magic."

I scrunched up my face in disgust. "Yuck."

She smirked. "You did fail it for what? Three years?"

I rolled my eyes at her sarcastic comment. "Shut up."

"What I don't understand is, why you aren't doing Herbology or Charms as well? They're the only other two subjects you need to do in order to be an Auror."

I groaned. "Hermione, I have enough responsibilities on my plate as it is, I don't know whether I want to get a job at this rate."

"Mmm true," She mused, then laughed. "Isn't it crazy? Last year, we didn't even attend school? We were too busy trying to save the world and now we're worried about passing an exam? Worrying about our futures?"

I nodded. "Last year we weren't even sure if we were going to have futures." Instinctively I glanced at Draco, who was watching me, with a knowing look on his impossibly gorgeous face.

The others nodded in agreement. "It's hard," Harry sighed. "Settling back into a routine, a routine that doesn't involve fighting for your life."

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