00 ▍tzuyu

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I have the brains, the face, the perfect family, the kind personality, at least that's what they say. They said I was perfect. Compliments here and there form different people that I would meet or greeet. Whispers of awe, I would here everytime I passed by.

But did I care? No

Perhaps I had gotten used to it that I didn't really care anymore. I liked to think I was a normal girl who was just trying her best to live her best and give it her all.

I had no interest in love, but then I met you. You know, I still remember that day when I first met you.

The talking of the people around me had filled my ears as I sat down in a small café with a book at hand as my eyes scanned the pages. But like always, I did not care about the noise that surrounded me but still continued to read my book.

After all, I had to read this book, it wasn't all easy, studying overseas. So I had to focus my studies, especially since it would be my examination the next day. I was too focus on the book that I was reading. But then a small tap made me turn away from my book.

And into your dazzling almond eyes.

And for a moment, I swear, I was too lost in your eyes that you had to wave your hand in front of my face. I remembered feeling awkward as I tried to cover my awkward face with a smile.

When you were holding that caramel macchiato in your hand, I had hope you were going to sit in front of me. But then you put the coffee in the table and said

"Here's your order Miss"

I would have never thought that someone like you would have worked in such a place, like this. But I just smiled at you, as you then turned your back from me and walked back to the counter where you started taking orders from your other costumers.

I put my book down as I took the coffee at my table and took a quick sip of it, the caffeine was strong that I could stay awake and focus on my studies. But also sweet and creamy that I had took another sip of it as I smiled knowing you were looking at me.

After our little encounter, I had found my self constantly visiting that café, knowing that you would be there. I had already memorized the time you would be there. You would arrive at 9 am and you would take a short lunch break at 10 - 10: 50. And you would end your shift at 9:00 pm.

At first when I found out that I had memorized your time shift. I had slapped myself, it was unlike me at all. I told myself it was wrong and it had seemed like a was a complete stalker. But after some time, I had accepted it, since I do notice the most little things.

But after constantly going there, that the sound of the bell when I come in was now a familiar melody to my ears. I couldn't get the lingering question out my head..

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