Chapter I

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Living with this family was worse than the others.
Sadly my whispers didn't get through to the journalist since she slept with ear plugs. Disgusting! Who would wish to rest with things in their ears?! And how can thy hear if there is danger with thy ears covered? Imbeciles.
And as for the female child, Elliot... My whispers didn't seem to get to her. I mostly watched her from the vents. She would normally sit upon her bed, writing into a little book, not parchment, muttering to herself about her "pals" whatever they were. Early in the morning I woke to her sniffles about missing her father and her so called "pals" and she wished that the people in her books were real.
I climb through my vent but misplace my paw and fall through into her room.The girl sat up and stared into me, bah how dare she gaze upon my person?! Although, she was still sniffling, her eyes red and her lip quivering like a mouse just before I end it's life.
"Desist child!" I hissed. "You wouldn't want thy mother to come here would ty? Or that putrid canine!"
The girl looked like she had seen a ghost but her eyes seemed to dance with a strange excitement. A book with the title "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban" lay on her night stand.  "You can talk... you''re a witch's cat! Like from my books!"
I sit up straight, flick my tail and lick my paw, acting bored and unconcerned, but I was intrigued at how quick this child caught on. "Yes child. Does my person look like my fellow, normal felines?"
The girl cocked her head to the side, "Your eyes... they dance with magic."
I purred in amusement. "Yes, aren't they spectacular?"
The girl reached to touch me but I hissed and she and stalked back, my fur bristled. "Beware, lest I'll burn ty to ashes. Only my Mistress may handle me without danger of death."
"Sorry, sorry, I forgot about that... My book only mentioned it a couple times," the girl apologised, withdrawing her hand. "I'm Elliot by the way but all my pals call me Elli and you are...?"
"Whisper," I said proudly, licking my paw and rubbing the behind my ears. "But my full title 'Whispers in the Dark where Moonlight can not reach'. Although I prefer Whisper. Goodness knows what my dear mother was thinking when she named me."
The old grandfather clock on the wall chimed and a flicked my tail, "Well, I better be going child, now. You can never know I'm here so... "
I bore my eyes into Elliot's, willing my 'Forget me' charm and flicking my tail in a small arch behind me, the eight flicker for ever minute we spoke. I nodded and began to stalk towards the shadows so I could travel back to my attic when the child spoke again.
"Whisper, what were you doing staring at me? It was kinda creepy..." I froze. "My charm did not work? Impossible! Only..." I shook my head. Impossible. "Tell no one, Elliot. We never met and we never will again."
Elliot frowned and bowed her head but mumbled, "As you wish, Whisper..."
As I leap once more into the vent I can not desist thinking about that girl, Elliot. No one has ever resisted my charms. Well, almost everyone... could it really be?

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