Imagine for Lori - Ashton

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  • Dedicated to Lori Claessens

"- How could I've been so stupid?" You say to him as you walk away crying.

"- Lori, wait..

- No Ashton, I know what I saw. I was wrong thinking you would actually love me." You turn around again and start running away, tears coming down your face.

"- Lori, babe, please wait.

- Don't call me babe. Go call that other girl babe." You sniff.

"- No, please, don't...

- We're done Ashton." You wipe the tears of your face before you walk away, leaving Ashton there standing all on his one, paralyzed and barely realising what just happened.


* One month later*

You are sitting outside in your backyard with the radio next to you, listening to some music while enjoying the sun. It has been a while since you and Ashton broke up, but you were starting to think it was a mistake. You had been together for almost a year, you could hardly believe he intentionally cheated on you. After all he likes having a drink sometimes and millions of girls run behind him to get his attention... He is and stays Ashton Irwin, THE Ashton Irwin.

He had tried to call you, but you never picked up, because cheating stays cheating, even though you start to think different about it. You got taken out of your thoughts when your mom comes over to you.

"- There's someone at the door for you.

- Who?

- I have no idea, but he asked for you." A little suspicious you walk inside and to the front door, where a man in a suit is waiting. Behind him you see a black shiny limo. Your eyes grow from amazement.

"- I assume you are Lori?" The man asks kindly.

"- Yes I am.

- I've got the task to pick you up and drive you somewhere. Are you okay with that?

- W-w-who asked you that?" You start to stutter.

"- The person wanted to stay anonymous."

You were debating with yourself wether you should go or not. The limo looks really nice, but what if there's a kidnapper behind all of this? Eventually you decide to go, cause what do you have to lose? You quickly grab your phone before getting in the car with this man.

The inside of the limousine looked really nice, better than you ever imagined. They even had champagne and other nice drinks where you were allowed to drink of. The drive was rather long. You looked outside the window and could recognise everything, which means that you aren't to far from home. The car stopped in front of a place that you remember very well. It was Bailey's, a tea room where you used to work as a waitress. It was also the place where you and Ashton first met. You walk inside, a little scared for what's going to follow. Laura, one of the waitresses you get along with really good, comes over to you.

"- Hi Lori. It's best if you go outside, to the old tree. Someone's waiting there for you." The old tree. A tree with a lot of memories. A tree you absolutely didn't want to see. It was the tree where under you had your first kiss, which was also your first kiss from Ashton. You have tears in your eyes, because you didn't want to go, but you decide you have too, because the person who is doing all of this for you, must be very special. Outside underneath the tree, someone else in too nice clothes is waiting for you. He didn't had to turn around for you to know who he was. The tangled light brown hair told everything.

"- Ashton?" You ask almost whispering. He turns around so that he can face you. It looks like he had been crying.

"- You came." He whispers with a smile on his face. Even though you're still mad, you run over to him and give him a hug.

"- Does this mean you forgive me?" He holds you even tighter in his arms.

"- No. But I'm willing to listen to what actually happened that night.

- It was my biggest mistake ever, okay? I love you, Lori. I was drunk and the girl came over to me and just kissed me. I was to drunk to realise it wasn't you and kissed her back. When I opened my eyes, I immediately regretted it, cause I saw you next to me and not in front of me. This wasn't me, I swear. It was drunk me. I really, really, honestly regret this and I hope you can give me another chance." Even though a little piece of you is still mad, you believe him. As an answer you just kiss him fully on his lips, soft and passionate.

"- Am I forgiven now?

- You are." You whisper, before giving yet another kiss. All around you people start clapping their hands and cheering. You smile seeing the driver, Laura, your mom and the guys. You decide to go back home with Ashton and forget about everything that happened. After all, this will be what makes your relationship stronger.


Hi Lori!

Sorry for the wait boo :/ I hope you like it, please be honest, and if you don't like it, I'll just make you another one.

xoxo Chloë

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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