Imagine for Laura {LauraPuttevils} Michael

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"- Where's Michael?" You ask the other guys. You and Michael have been best friends for years. You saw him less since he became famous and missed him a lot and so did he miss you. But this time was different. He had invited you with him on tour with the excuse that he missed his best friend when he wasn't around. You didn't mind though.

"- We have no idea, we haven't seen him in a while either." Luke replied. You started to worry a bit. Michael was the kind of person that couldn't stand it to be alone for more than five minutes, let alone a couple of hours like right now.

"- I'm going to look for him. Call me when you need me." They all nodded. You started your search, but the problem was that you were at a new venue and you had no idea where to look, since you didn't know this place. You walked trough the hallway, knocking on every door, saying his name. But no answer. You finally made your way up the stage, hoping he was there. And he was. You saw him sitting down against the wall, hiding behind Ashton's drums. He had his legs crawled up and his head hidden in his knees. It was his green hair that betrayed him.

"- Mikey, are you okay?" You asked while kneeling in front of him. He looked up at you, his eyes red and puffy from crying.

"- What happened?" You sit down next to him, taking him in for a hug.

"- Nothing... It's just the presure I guess." He whiped away his tears.

"- Michael, I know you longer than today. What's really going on?" You look him in the eye. He hands you his phone. Twitter was opened. It was his last selfie he posted, one with Daniel. I scrolled trough the comments and some were hard not to see.

"- You're so gay, which guy paints his hair green?

- What are you? A baby? Who still has teddy bears?

- @Michael5SOS is extremely gay. He paints his hair in girly colours and has a teddy bear." You didn't have to read further to know what this is all about.

"- Oh Mike..." You hug him again, but this time a bit tighter.

"- Don't listen to them. There are plenty of people who love you for who you are. For 3 of these tweets, there are thousands and thousands saying things like 'I love you' and hundreds that defend you. You're beautiful the way you are. But I don't understand.... you get these every day, why does it affect you so much right now?" He comes out of the hug.

"- I don't know. Probably circomstances. It's been super busy lately and I'm starting to miss everybody back home. It's just getting to much I guess.

- It's okay. You're a big superstar, they have it busy all the time. I get that you are a bit stressed. It's okay to cry sometimes, or get your frustrations out. It's okay to be human." You tell him while looking into his eyes.

"- I know.

- Now I want to see you smile and laugh again. I hate seeing you sad.

- How? You tell the worst jokes.

- Hey!" You shout playfully offended. He chuckles.

"- Was that a chuckle? Were you laughing?

- No." You know he was teasing you.

"- It's on Mr. Clifford. I'm going to poke you till you die from laughter.

- Oh no, please don't!" You know he can't stand it when someone pokes his tighs, so that's exactly what you do. He moves his body and reaches for your hands to stop you.

"- Please stop." He tries to tell while laughing.

"- See, I knew I could make you laugh again." You playfully poke his shoulder.

"- Thank you." He says when looking into your eyes.

"- Laura, please don't hate me.

- For wh-" You get cut off by his lips crashing onto yours. Even though you are surprised by his action, you don't back off. You only kiss him back.

"- I love you." He says when you part.

"- I love you too." You say while kissing him again. You've always denied your feelings for him, because you had no idea if he felt the same. But aparently he did.

"- Glad that finally happened." You jump up a bit cause the person behind you jolted you.

"- God Ash, you scared us.

- It didn't look so scary.

- What are you doing here?" You asked.

"- Looking for the both of you. We knew Laura went out looking for you, but we noticed she staid away really long so we decided to go look for her and you. We splitted up. I came looking here and find you two here.

- Ash!" You hear the two others scream.

"- Over here!" Calum and Luke also walk on stage.

"- You two look cosy." Luke smirked.

"- It finally happened." Ash answered.

"- You caught them kissing?

- Yep." The three of them smirked. You were just holding Michael's hand.

"- Let's go back, we need to get ready for the show." Calum, Luke and Ashton preceded while you stood up, holding Michael's hand and following them.


Hi Laura!

I really hope you like your imagine, I worked hard on it, especially for you XD Hopefully it is what you expected and if not: you can always ask for a new one :P

Others reading this: if you want one, just comment below or on the general story with your name, fav boy and if you want funny, cute, romantic or dirty (only doing those occasionally)

Okay, Love you all <3

xoxo Chloë

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