I lay next to Jessica and look through my notifications, J❤️ leaving the most notifications. I look over to make sure she's asleep before clicking onto the blue bubbles.


How's your first night going babe? 


I got a notification Jess went into my wine cellar, enjoy baby. But remember we have work tomorrow.

I don't bother reading any other message , deciding now is a good time to tell him how I feel.


Thank you for everything Mr. bieber, I know how that makes you feel but i like calling you that, its hot. youre hot dude, you should come over. wait no jess is here, you should come tomorrow! also i I love you too. idk reallly drunk but i will be on time tomrow, I already set my alarm. ook goodnight ugly

And thats that, not super romantic or over dramatic like other weirdos in love, i'm not a little bitch like them. Why am I fighting other people in love? sorry. Ima just close my eyes...

"Karinuh.." I feel a pillow smack my face. "karINAAAA" I hear Jess say my name frustratedly, smaking me again with her pillow. Only now does the sound of my alarm play into my head. I sit up groggily before I run over towards where the sound is coming from and press stop, rubbing my eyes to regain my sight. I check the time and notice it's only been 2 minutes since the alarm has started going off. I sigh and don't bother getting back into bed. Instead I head strait for my bathroom to pee, looking in the mirror to decide weather I want to do my hair or not.
I compromise and tie half my hair up into a half up half down, quickly applying concealer to hide my bags afterwards. All my makeup is already set up and out on my sink counter so it's much easier to keep caking up my face.

Once I feel presentable I quickly slide into a casual yellow dress and pair it up with some tan heels. I check the time and see I have ten minutes left, I decide to write down a note for Jess for when she wakes up. Just a quick reminder for her to lock the door on her way out.

I grab my stuff and head into my kitchen to see what I can scarf down in 5 minutes. But it turns out I don't even have time for that, Justin's name is flashing across my screen.

"Hello?" I answer in a weird raspy voice.

"Babe, are u awake? It's time to go." He says calmly into the phone. What? It's 4:53, even when I live closer he decides to leave earlier than usual. But I don't have the energy in me to argue about it.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second." I say before hanging up and closing the fridge. I don't have time to look for my clutch so I grab all my shit and lock the door after I leave, deciding I have time for the elevator. When I reach the lobby I see Justin's black car through the glass of the building, all of the windows down. The cool morning air feels so good compared to the sweaty devil ball sack weather later on in the day. I open up one of the double doors only to walk a couple steps before I drop my keys. I rearrange the stuff in my left hand to make space to pick them up, as I stand back up I hear my name yelled from across the street. I focus my vision and of course I see Aaron in some gym shorts, hands on his knees, probably trying to catch his breath. Since when did he start running this early? And when did he get abs?

"Oh, hi Aaron." I yell across the street as I make my way towards Justin.

"What you doing out here so early?" He asks, but I should ask the same thing, he never ran this early, especially not on this street. God, I really don't want him knowing where I live.

"I'm actually about to leave for work." I say, opening up the passenger side door.

"Hi Aaron." Justin yells from the car window.

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