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1. Secondary Source- Ernst, Douglas. "'White Privilege' Artist: Does It Exist, or Do I Simply Lack Critical Thinking Skills?" Douglas Ernst Blog, Douglas Ernst, 5 July 2015,

2. Primary Source- Greensborosheart. "How I Learned about White Privilege." Greensboro's Heart, 9 Jan. 2014,

3. Secondary Source- Killermann, Sam. "30+ Examples of Heterosexual Privilege in the US." It's Pronounced Metrosexual, Sam Killermann, 31 Dec. 2014,

4. Secondary Source- News, BBC. "Men Who Drugged and Prostituted Girl, 14, Are Jailed." BBC News, BBC, 11 Jan. 2018,

5. Primary Source- ABCNews. "Men Arrested at Starbucks Speak Out." YouTube, YouTube, 19 Apr. 2018,

6. Secondary Source- Corynne (@HRH_CDC).  "Listen. The same thing happened in the Exact same city, in the same damn area of city. By BLACK Boyd and they got 10 years minimum EACH" 13 January 2018, 5:03AM.

7. Both- Johnson, Maisha Z. "160+ Examples of Male Privilege in All Areas of Life." Everyday Feminism, Everyday Feminism, 26 Oct. 2017,

Privilege In The United StatesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum